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Intense PTSD Class Yesterday

by Hawke Robinson published Jun 20, 2015 05:05 PM, last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
In yesterday's class on trauma & PTSD, with the mid-term taking place tomorrow, at the end of the class we had a young Afghanistan veteran share his experiences with PTSD, it was intense to say the least...

There is much I would like to say, but it will take time before I can do so. On top of the other health issues currently dealing with, this one right now is quite the challenge. Meanwhile the mid-terms are this week, so will have to set it aside for now, but wanted to leave this as a place holder for later...

Meanwhile some less heavy summation:

Since 2003, several people (soldiers and workers alike) at both the Seattle/Tacoma VA system, and the Spokane VA, have asked me to try to develop some of my program plans to help with those populations struggling with PTSD.

I have generally been evasive on this, but will acknowledge now that due to my own struggles with this, while I do agree with those that have pointed out I could have some relation in understanding better than those that do not have similar challenges, I have felt completely unqualified and under-trained to take on such a tricky topic. And to be honest, downright scared that my own issues would interfere.

So I have been getting more and more training in the past year (and continuing). Last week's 2-day CFT Workshop is another part of building the coping skills and professional skill set for exactly these goals.

While working with many other populations, and developing (and implementing) program plans using music & RPGs as intervention modalities, has been relatively easy for me (Autism spectrum ASD/PDD, ADHD, at-risk youth, brain injury, the Deaf community, and others), the PTSD population has been much more daunting.

Since I first started proposing and developing program plans using RPGs (and music therapy too) as intervention modalities to achieve educational and therapeutic goals for clients, people have suggested I should include programs for those with PTSD. And while I do have quite a few ideas floating in my head (and dialogue with many experts in the field, and individuals with PTSD), I have been unable so far to write them down and take on the task of implementation. I need to partner up more formally with some other therapists to help me through the process, but I don't know that I am personally quite ready to take that on yet.

My apologies to those that have been so encouraging and waiting so patiently for this. I agree with you that it is likely my approach with RPGs will be very effective once it is figured out. I just personally know how much triggers in this area, if not handled with proper processing, etc. can end up being so destructive and dangerous, with consequences to self and others if one loses control too much. I do not want to be the cause of that happening to others. For example someone going through a session, not fully decompressed, then goes into a road-rage incident on the drive home and tries to pull someone out through their car-door window for cutting someone off, because of reliving the threat experiences of "back then".

Please know that I am actively working very intensely to develop the skills and capacity to take this on.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.