Setting Up for LARP, RPG, & Drumming at MDA Camp
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
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Diagnosis: Muscular Dystrophy (MD),
RPG Trailer,
RPG Format: Tabletop,
RPG Format: Live-action,
Muscular Dystrophy / MD / MDA,
blog posting
Here is a photo and short video clip of the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer being setup at this year's Muscular Dystrophy Association's (MDA) summer camp in Idaho. RPG Research volunteers, using the RPG Trailer, preparing to provide adaptive drum circles, tabletop role-playing (RPG), and live-action role-playing (LARP) to children ages 6-17 with Muscular Dystrophy (MD), July 18th and 20th.
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Significant Progress on Paperwork for Pilot Research Study Using RPGs Within the Constraints of a University Setting
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Discipline: Neuroscience,
Setting: Academic/Classroom: College/University,
Population: Adults,
Aspect: Memory,
RPG Format: Tabletop,
blog posting,
causal study(ies),
Function: Memory,
Potential RPG Research Question,
Effects of RPG,
RPG Research Goal,
Function: Cognition,
Goal: Intrinsic motivation for learning,
Aspect: Cognition,
RPG Research Project Updates,
RPG Research Project Roadmap / Goals,
Discipline: Cognitive Neuroscience,
hawke robinson,
Discipline: Education / Formal Classroom Setting,
rpg for education
Significant progress made today in the paperwork process for putting together the study on "Efficacy Assessment of Role-playing Games as an Instructional Technique within the Constraints of a University Academic Setting from the Neuropsychology Perspective"...
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Spokane Drum Circle Facilitation Workshop - November 4th, 2017. 1-3 pm, Spokane, WA.
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Professional Training,
Drum Circle,
blog posting
Workshop: "An Introduction to Drum Circle Facilitation" at the Indie Air Radio concert hall in Spokane, Washington, Saturday, November 4th, 2017. Space is limited to 35 people, so book you seat right away. Proceeds go toward building the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer fundraising campaign. We also use drum circles as part of the RPG / LARP experience, to summon for gathering, to build cooperative attitudes, paying attention and following directions, excite or relax participants depending on the goals of the adventure. We have more than enough drums for you, or you are welcome to BYOD (Bring Your Own Drum) if you wish. See you there!
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The new Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer prototype, the RPG Research International Community, and RPG Therapeutics, Featured on KREM 2 News & Northwest Cable News!
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
archived article,
therapeutic role-playing game,
RPG Research Interview,
interview / media mention,
rpg trailer,
therapeutic recreation,
blog posting,
On Monday, October 10th, 2016, Hawke Robinson, Founder of the RPG Research Project Community Website, President of RPG Therapeutics LLC, and creator of the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, was interviewed over a 4 hour period from 5:00 am to 9:00 am by KREM 2 news reporter Kaitlin Loukides, with 4 short 1-3 minute live broadcast segments (one each hour)!
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The RPG Brain Trust 2017 Trustee - Hawke Robinson of RPG Research Project and The RPG Trailer
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
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blog posting,
RPG Research Awards
A kindness from The RPG Brain Trust, "2017 Trustee".
Located in
The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
rpg trailer
I already regularly run (for free) non-modified role-playing games that include players with Autism Spectrum, Cerebral Palsy, and at-risk youth in the Spokane area. I would like to be able to provide these games to a much broader geographic area, including rural areas, and groups that do not have their own facilities. The Role-playing Gaming trailer will make it possible to provide these sessions to many more people over a much wider area and populace.
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UPDATE! Wizards of the Coast, Dungeons & Dragons, "No" to any use of Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer or other helping services.
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
blog posting,
RPG Research Project Updates,
Potential RPG Research Question
UPDATE: JULY 2017 WIZARDS OF THE COAST PROVIDED US WITH A LICENSE! - After years of trying to get any kind of response, the only one we could get for using D&D publicly, was "No" to any use by our company, RPG Therapeutics, or The RPG Research Project, or The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, and all of our community endeavors, including charity, special needs populations, brain injury recovery, veterans, Autism Spectrum, etc. Hopefully this is just a Tier 1 Support issue. But we just can't get a hold of a human being to speak to. Here is what has happened far...
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Using Role-playing Games To Assist Recovery of Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
RPG Research Presentation,
TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury,
Research Question / Discussion Topic,
Computer-based: solo, multiplayer, VR, AR, etc.,
RPG Research Project Updates,
RPG Research Module
Originally presented as a slide show presentation for Eastern Washington University class "Recreation Therapy for People with Disabilities". This video is a presentation on the hypothetical use of role-playing games to help a patient with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) progress through various recovery stages. This includes Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA), Computer-based RPG, Tabletop, and Live-action role-play (LARP).
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Using Therapeutic Role-Playing Gaming to Help in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse Victims
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Sexual Assault / Abuse / Rape,
Assault / Abuse
A Christian gamers podcast group calling themselves "Saving the Game" recently interviewed a representative of The Bodhana Group regarding A PROPOSAL for using role-playing games for therapeutic treatment of sexually abused children and adolescents, as well as the abusers.
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Utilizing Role-Playing Games In Social Skills Assessment and Intervention
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
A presentation put together by Dr. James D. Persinger, PhD., of Emporia Statue University in 2003 provides a summary of the history of Role-Playing in therapy, as well as some basic history of RPGs, and numerous tips in implementing RPG-based therapy in a scholastic setting.
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