Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Population: Incarcerated,
Prisons Penitentiaries Law Enforcement,
Population: Adults,
Population: Teenagers,
Potential RPG Research Question,
Population: Autism,
Population: Young Adults,
Population: At-risk Youth,
Population: Toddlers,
RPG Research Project Updates
A lot has happened over the past several months, and there is actually a backlog developing, so I thought I would take a minutes to organize the backlog, update folks on what has been completed, and look ahead to what is coming down the pipe. If there is anything I forgot to include, please let me know so I can integrate it into this article. Many of the items in the queue might unfortunately be stuck until the summer holiday from university. Consider this also my public TODO list...
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