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Call for Participants - ASL Gaming!

by Hawke Robinson published Jun 20, 2015 05:05 PM, last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
Do you know ASL? Are you Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Hearing with ASL? Do you like fun games? There is a group putting together an online (via video) gaming group, and they would love to hear from you!

The "Power Up Gamers: Roleplayers for Accessibility" (PUG) Facebook group:

has put out a call for those interested in some regular webcam-based RPG using ASL! The goal is to build more awareness in the public:

If you have a Facebook account, join the PUG group. If you are one of the many people that hates FB and does not have an account, You can contact the organizer on their Youtube Channel here:

Here is a copy of the posting in case you do not have access to the FB posting:

Hi Power Up Gamers!

INTEREST POST: Upcoming Sign Language Game, hosted Power Up Gamers: Roleplayers for Accessibility.

If you know ASL (American Sign Language), and would like to participate in a Broadcast Game, please contact one of the PUG Moderators, or comment below!

* To promote understanding and awareness of disabilities in gaming
* Play some D&D!
* Have Fun!

* Web cam
* Know how to play D&D 5E
* Know American Sign Language

Please share this with your gamer friends!