Develop a Role-Playing Gaming Therapeutic Recreation Handbook of Practice?
This would of course initially be theoretical. Until people actually start formally using RPGs for such therapies, it is unknown what the challenges and pitfalls will be for certain, though certainly many logical assumptions can be made (though will need verification).
II think I'll start out compiling my notes into a more organized document, then post it as a PDF for download, and then also export it to a Wiki style format. Then hopefully over time, as TR and other care professionals begin to (hopefully) use RPGs for their clients, they can modifyand make postings about their experiences to make it a more definite handbook.
Will see how this goes. People have any thoughts on this? If you are a care professional, would you find this useful?
Jan 17, 2013 12:03 PM
Added details for those with significant impairment in b110 Consciousness functions, and possible scenarios for still implementing RPG therapy with significant accommodation suggestions, using choose-your-own-adventure-like approaches with simply yes/no or numerical choices for the client.[…]/rpgtrhp-wiki-home-page