Road Map draft
Stage 0 (complete)
- Overall research on what is needed to get started.
- Acquire facilities
- Create website
- Create brochures/flyers
- Create registration form
- Create initial questionnaires
Stage 1 (now implementing)
- Begin forming observational-only group(s) from those who submit registration forms.
- Form group 1 (gamers, those who have participated in paper-and-dice RPGs before).
- Form group 2 (non-gamers, those who have not participated in paper-and-dice RPGs).
- Have those assigned to groups complete initial questionnaire (if they haven't already).
- Contact all registrants to determine which times they are available for.
- Match registrants demographics and schedules to form groups.
- Once 4-6 participants fit the same schedule, begin weekly sessions
- Each session (initially) will last 3 hours.
- The first session participants will complete various questionnaires/tests to establish a baseline on IQ, mood, and other variables.
- Participants will fill out questionnaires at the beginning and end of each session (different than the baseline).
- These sessions will last 6 to 8 weeks, then participants will be re-evaluated on the last session.
Stage 2 (begins approximately 2 to 3 months from implementation of stage 1)
- The data from completion of stage 1 will be analyzed.
- Any useful information gleaned will be used to adjust future group sessions.
- Other game masters with psychology/therapy backgrounds will be trained on running the sessions, assessment tests, weekly questionnaires, etc.
- After several iterations of stage 1 and stage 2, eventually it is hoped that certain variables will become apparent for modification in the sessions.
Stage 3 (begins approximately 6 to 18 months after initial implementation of stage 2)
- At some point bio and neuro monitoring equipment will be added to the process during sessions for some participants.
- The game sessions will be audio and video taped, while the bio and neuro feedback data is monitored and correlated to the audio/video of the sessions.
Stage 4 (if data indicates viability, begins approximately 12 to 24 months after stage 2 implementation)
- Based on accumulated data, efforts on creating specific modules for modification of specific variables will attempt to be developed and tested.
Stage 5 (if data indicates viability)
- After extensive testing and experimental research, determine if appropriate to use these modules as educational and/or therapeutic modality.