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RPG Training Programs

by Hawke Robinson published Jun 20, 2015 05:05 PM, last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
The RPG Therapeutics LLC website has updated the section of the site listing training options for "Introduction to RPG Training Series", "Role-Playing Game Advocate", "RPG Facilitator", "Game Master in Education", and "Game Master in Therapy" and "Introduction" series of training and certification programs.

Due to various individuals and organization asking for more formal training program information in efforts to integrate RPG-based programs, the RPG Therapeutics LLC website has a section on the site related to Role-Playing Game Training from various approaches.

For those of us that naturally fell into and enjoy RPGs, the concept of paying for RPG training may seem at the very least unnecessary. However in this age of increasingly finite availability of "free" hours, and for those interested in trying to apply RPG in an educational or therapeutic setting, optimizing the time it takes to ramp up the skills the rest of us developed over decades, may be considered a valuable Return on Investment (ROI).

Being mentored and trained directly is often faster for achieving specific goals than self-training. Of course I'm a strong advocate for both approaches (self and mentored training), but it is unclear if there is actually much of a market for such formalized training. It will be interesting to see if these programs catch on.

The programs closely model typical training and certification programs one would see in various technical and healthcare industries. Some of the programs are only for "established professionals" in either education or therapy, while others are open to all.

Some of these training programs were originally developed around 1985, and have continued to be revised and improved since. The website recently provided a significant update to the list of training programs available.

The training programs listed include:

RPG Introduction Training Series

  • Overview Presentation - A very densely packed semi-interactive presentation on the history and effects of all 4 RPG formats (2 hours).
  • SRPG-1 - Introduction to Solo RPG (2 hours) (open to all).
  • CRPG-1 - Introduction to Computer-based RPG (3 hours) (open to all).
  • LARP-1 - Introduction to Live-action Role-playing (3 hours) (open to all).
  • TRPG-1 - Introduction to Tabletop Role-Playing Gaming (3 hours) (open to all).
  • RPGAd-1 - Role-Playing Gaming Advocate (4 hours) (open to all).


RPGF - Role-Playing Game Facilitator Training Series

  • RPGF-0 - Introduction to RPG for Professionals (4 hours) (professionals only).
  • RPGF-1 - Beginner (8 hours) (open to all).
  • RPGF-2 - Intermediate (12 hours) (open to all).
  • RPGF-3 - Advanced (20 hours) (open to all).
  • RPGF-T - Master/Trainer (pending) (500+ hours related experience)  (open to all).


GME - Game Master in Education Training Series

  • GME-1 - Beginner (8 hours) (open to all).
  • GME-2 - Intermediate (15 hours) (professionals only).
  • GME-3 - Advanced (pending) (professionals only).
  • GME-T - Master/Trainer (pending) (500+ hours related experience) (professionals only).


GMT - Game Master in Therapy Training Series

  • GMT-1 - Beginner (8 hours) (open to all).
  • GMT-2 - Intermediate (26 hours) (professionals only).
  • GMT-3 - Advanced (40 hours) (professionals only).
  • GMT-T - Master/Trainer (pending) (500+ hours related experience) (professionals only).


[+mod-x] Specific Population Training add-on “modules” Training Series

These supplementary modules drill down into specific programs for specific client populations and their related goals.

Participants are generally required to already be established professionals with certification, degree, or licensing in a relevant healthcare or educational field.

Additionally, each module has prerequisite training and certification from one or more of the above programs.

  • +mod-asd-1 - TRPG for ASD / PDD / ADHD spectrum youth and adult clients (professionals only).
  • +mod-asd-2 -  LARP for ASD / PDD / ADHD spectrum toddlers, youth, and adult clients to achieve therapeutic and “life skills” goals (professionals only).
  • +mod-asd-3 - LARP & TRPG for ADHD, at-risk, troubled, and substance recovery programs for youth and young adults, transition planning using RPGs to achieve therapeutic and life skill goals of clients (professionals only).
  • +mod-tbi-1 - Complete Program for Brain Injury Recovery using SRPG, CRPG, TRPG, & LARP (professionals only).
  • +mod-deaf-1 - TRPG & LARP for Deaf & Hard of Hearing (open to all, prereqs: RPGF-2 or higher).
  • +mod-ptsd-1 - RPGs for PTSD (professionals only).
  • +mod-phys-1 - RPGs for participants with physical disabilities (open to all, prereqs: RPGF-2 or higher).
  • +mod-ddi-1 - RPGs for participants with development delays/impairments (non-TBI) (professionals only).
  • +mod-sp-1 - RPG program plans for people with social phobias (open to all, prereqs: RPG-3 or higher).
  • +mod-bion-1 - RPG with bio and neuro monitoring and feedback (professionals only).