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Which state & federal legislators have engaged in role-playing gaming?

by Hawke Robinson published Jun 20, 2015 05:05 PM, last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
Which state & federal legislators have engaged in role-playing gaming?

Maybe I could create a simple 3-5 question survey, sent via email, postal mail, and/or by phone, asking each state and federal senator and representative their thoughts and experiences regarding RPGs and RPGers?

Here are a few questions I might ask:

I. Have you ever heard of role playing games (non-computer) such as Dungeons & Dragons and others? (select one)

1. No, no idea what that is. 2. Yes, a little. 3. Yes, quite a bit.

II. Have you ever participated in any kind of role playing game? (Select all that apply)

1. No, never, none. 2. Yes, paper & dice (Dungeons & Dragons (tm), or others) 3. Live Action (LARP) 4. Computer-based (MMO, MUD, MUSH, MMORPG (World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, etc.) 5. Reinactment society (SCA, Renaissance Faire, Civil War, WWI, WWII, etc.).

III. If you have heard of Role Playing Gamers previously, how would you rate your view of those types of games? (Select one)

1 - strongly negative 2 somewhat negative 3. neutral/no-opinion 4. somewhat positive 5 strongly positive.

IV What is your view of those who participate in such recreational activities: (select one)

1 - strongly negative or concerned 2 somewhat negative or concerned 3. neutral/no-opinion 4. somewhat positive 5 strongly positive.

V. Would you like more information about Role Playing Games from a recreational, social, political, legal, and therapeutic perspective?

1. Yes, I would like additional information. 2. No thank you, I do not want additional information.