Israeli Army Frowns on D&D Players
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
blog posting
By Hanan Greenberg - Published: 02.28.05, 14:17 / Israel News - IDF says “They're detached from reality and suscepitble to influence,” regarding role-playing gamers and so D&D players are automatically given a low security clearance...
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Still moving over 2,000 blog postings to new site
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
blog posting,
rpg research website
As some of you are aware, the server was completely replaced some weeks ago, after months of preparation. I am still moving the content from the old server to the new one.
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HBO's VICE Documentary Article Mentions Hawke Robinson & RPG Research - "Denmark - LARPing Is the Future of Education"
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
archived article,
Potential RPG Research Question,
RPG Research Interview,
Others' research,
rpg for education,
interview / media mention
HBO's VICE Media - At This Danish School, LARPing Is the Future of Education October 7, 2015, By Mike Pearl.
Located in
Various Articles and Discussions on Role-playing Game Stigma
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
Since this has been a fairly lively discussion when I have brought it up on rpg.net and geekandsundry.com forum, I thought I'd perform a brief search on current articles and discussions related to role-playing game and gamer social stigma. This is just a quick list for further research and discussion...
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RPG Research Status Update, May 17th, 2014
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
Here is a status update on some projects from the past month developing tabletop and live-action role-playing games for use as educational and therapeutic intervention modalities for autism spectrum adults.
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First Prototype for the PAVE Group of Tabletop RPG as a Modality for Therapeutic / Educational Intervention
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
RPG Research Project Updates,
RPG Research Module
This is an early prototype version. There are newer, more complete and updated, versions created since this article was posted years ago. This is useful for various populations and professionals from other disciplines wishing to teach participants how to find and use civic resources (police, fire department, doctor, hospital, theater, etc.). This program is based on work at Eastern Washington University with oversight by Professor Emily Messina and others. It has been repeated with similar success when used other groups in private practice through non-profit RPG Research and the for-profit RPG Therapeutics LLC since.
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RPG Research Status Update
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Population: Incarcerated,
Prisons Penitentiaries Law Enforcement,
Population: Adults,
Population: Teenagers,
Potential RPG Research Question,
Population: Autism,
Population: Young Adults,
Population: At-risk Youth,
Population: Toddlers,
RPG Research Project Updates
A lot has happened over the past several months, and there is actually a backlog developing, so I thought I would take a minutes to organize the backlog, update folks on what has been completed, and look ahead to what is coming down the pipe. If there is anything I forgot to include, please let me know so I can integrate it into this article. Many of the items in the queue might unfortunately be stuck until the summer holiday from university. Consider this also my public TODO list...
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When Does Role-Playing Gaming Become "Bad" For Participants?
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Potential RPG Research Question,
RPG Research Project Updates
What do you think is a reasonable baseline for "safe" RPG participation? With different populations, when is there "too much of a good thing"? Do you have any anecdotes, or better yet research data that validates any particular stance? I am slowly building up the background for extensive research on the potential therapeutic uses of role-playing games in various formats (tabletop, live-action, computer-based) for various populations (TBI, PTSD, Autism-spectrum, LD's, etc.), with the assumption that there is potential benefit. But what are the potential risks?
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Original D&D White Books 2013 Reprint Special Collector's Edition Boxed Set - Unboxing
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
A walk down a path of RPG nostalgia / history, Wizards of the Coast has reprinted the original D&D white book set, and bundled it in a wooden box with dice. Here you will find many photos of the unboxing process with a few comments, and a comparison my ancient original of one of the the Blackmoor supplement...
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Original D&D White Book Box Set
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
Just received this reprint of the ultimate in retro / nastalgic role-playing gaming, the Original D&D in a full box set.
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