Glossary of Terms (Manual Entry) (deprecated, use Automated Glossary Collection method going forward)
Hawke Robinson
Mar 27, 2016
last modified
May 10, 2022 11:56 PM
A page list many abbreviations and terms that may need definitions for those new to the study of role-playing games in various formats: tabletop, live-action, computer-based, solo books, etc.
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Wiki, Glossary, & Bibliography
Goal 1 - update correlative data
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Effects of RPG,
RPG Research Goal,
blog posting
Though the ultimate goal is to establish causality, there are some correlative aspects that should be checkedinto. Attempt to verify or invalidate existing correlative and meta-research results. Much of the existing research is dated from the 1980's and 1990's. Attempt to bring the research up to date, and verify if there are any statistically significant differences found between role-playing gamers and the general populace, at difference age and other demographic levels...
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Goal 2 - Begin Efforts to Differentiate Between Correlative and Causal data.
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Effects of RPG,
RPG Research Goal,
blog posting
Attempt to differentiate between correlative and causal data related to role-playing gamers. When possible, use blind, double blind, and triple blind study methodologies.
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Goal 3 - Evaluate what, if any, of the notable correlative data has any causal relationship
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Effects of RPG,
RPG Research Goal,
blog posting
Determine if the correlative tests indicating significant differences in role-playing gamers from the general populace, are a causal result of their participation in role-playing games? ...
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Good Gaming Etiquette
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
blog posting
This document attempts to spell out what "good gaming etiquette" is, in the role-playing gaming world, depending on the RPG format...
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Google Business offers no industry categories for Recreation Therapy, Music Therapy, or even generic "Therapy"
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
blog posting
In creating the Google "My Business" page, I found there are no categories even close to Recreation Therapy (RT), Therapeutic Recreation (TR), Music Therapy, or even a generic "Therapy", and yet they have "Reiki Therapy" and other far more obscure offerings...
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Great Western RPG Research Awareness & Fundraising Tour Sep 17 - Oct 10 2018: See Wheelchair Accessible RPG Trailer & RPG Bus, meet RPG Research & RPG Therapeutics.
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
RPG Trailer,
RPG Bus,
blog posting
The wheelchair accessible RPG Bus and RPG Trailer will be on the road for weeks, meeting with people, providing tours, example music and RPG sessions, presentations, and more. Anyone can request a stop location along the route. The current route will be updated daily as stop requests come in. Follow this page for the latest tour updates! Current schedule is September 17th through October 10th schedule subject to change daily). We are getting ready for our longest tour yet, across the Western United States.
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Had presentation today on RPG Therapy for TBI clients.
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
therapeutic role-playing game,
RPG Research Presentation,
TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury,
therapeutic recreation,
recreational therapy,
therapeutic rpg,
rpg for therapy,
recreation therapy,
blog posting,
RPG Research Project Updates,
RPG Research Module
Had presentation today at EWU: Role-playing Game Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury clients. Will be posting slides, recorded video, and documents over the next few days on the RPG Research website.
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Harassment and Worse in RPG Industry & Community
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Gender Bias,
blog posting,
Sexual Harassment
A blog article was posted to the CAR-PGA (The Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games) mailing list today, regarding terrible behavior by the RPG industry & Community...
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Have Fun Learning InfoSec Through Role-playing Gaming
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Discipline: Information Technology and/or Information Security,
Gaming Event,
Discipline: Education / Formal Classroom Setting,
RPG Review,
blog posting,
rpg for education,
RPG Research Project Updates
Tonight I begin play-testing the brand new Cryptomancer RPG by Chad Walker. It is a role-playing game specifically useful for teaching the basics of Information Security (InfoSec) to laymen (and professionals), in a fun way. It is first and foremost designed as a fun fantasy RPG setting (with the InfoSec twist), that just happens to teach basic InfoSec concepts and good (and bad) practices as a byproduct of participation.
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