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Brochures and Questionnaires beta stage now under way, setup at Merlyn's

by Hawke Robinson published Jun 20, 2015 05:05 PM, last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
Many thanks to John, the owner of Merlyn's in Spokane, for allowing me to setup the trifold brochure stand, with sign, with questionnaire, and drop box, at his store.

Though still in a beta stage now for the brochure and questionnaire, this is a significant step towards building the RPG Research project momentum. Also the online form to register as a participant, and the basic questionnaire for demographics information, is now available for anyone wishing to fill it out to join the research project as a research participant.

I still have to shoot a better front cover for the brochure, and I have a few errors to fix in the questionnaires printed, at least a first major step has been achieved setting up the display at Merlyn's. once I work out the bugs and update the photography, then I can begin setting up these displays at many other gaming and hobby stores.

The included photo with this article is the setup at Merlyn's.