The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Prototype Is Now A Reality
- Brain Injury (stroke, TBI, etc.) & Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) rehabilitation
- Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Autism spectrum (ASD, PDD, ADHD, etc.) social and practical skills development
- At-risk youth
- Substance dependency transition programs
- The Deaf & Hard of Hearing community
- And many others

UPDATE 20161004: Just had conversation with KREM2 reporter, Kaitlin, about the RPG Trailer. She wishes to schedule a live segment, on site with the RPG Trailer! This would be Monday, next week, somewhere between 5:20 am to 7:00 am.
TODO: I am trying to find an affordable minimum 12' fold-able (better if could find 14'), portable, wheelchair ramp (minimum 600 lbs, but better around 800+ lbs). So far least expensive is around $770+ shipping. While non-electric wheelchairs can be assisted in and out using the built-in ramp, electric wheelchairs and scooters need a much lower angle of incline. It needs to be minimum 30" width (prefer 36+"), with side guards, end flaps, and traction surface. Most cost around $1,000 USD. So I am thinking of maybe adding that in the goals for the Patreon account. I need to get that Patreon page finished and launched before the Monday morning news piece. I also need to come up with a quick 15-20 seconds summary of the trailer, RPG research project, and RPG Therapeutics so that can sum up quickly on the camera (before Monday).
TODO: Temporary stickers to put on trailer for:
"The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer (prototype)" "" "email address" "phone" "TTY:"
And something to cover up the "Vengeance text".
Down the road find artist to make logos, text, and such for a wrap along all sides.