Recent Discussion Partial Short List of RPG Benefits
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Potential RPG Research Question,
blog posting
Here are excerpts from a recent email summarizing just a few of the many benefits of RPGs...
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RPG Handbook Wiki Original Source Document
Hawke Robinson
Nov 09, 2016
last modified
Dec 08, 2022 02:57 PM
filed under:
Discipline: RPGT (Role-Playing Game Therapy),
Handbook of Practice,
Discipline: TR/RT
Here is the source document that is being converted to the wiki version of the RPG Handbook of Practice.
Located in
RPG Handbook
Wiki Version
RPG Research on Dragon Talk 20180122 Transcript
Hawke Robinson
Feb 07, 2018
last modified
Nov 28, 2022 12:45 PM
As requested, here is the transcript from the January 22nd, 2018 interview of RPG Research members on the Hasbro Wizards of the Coast "Dragon Talk" show, including Hawke Robinson and John Welker. This transcript attempts to help those in the Deaf & HoH communities, and those with visual impairments using screen readers.
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The RPG Research Project Specific Archives
RPG Trailer Benefits FAQ
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
blog posting,
rpg trailer
June 2nd, 12:59 am, 2016. Someone was recently asking again, "what are the benefits of the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer", so I am re-posting it here for others in case you had similar questions and missed the FAQs section of the trailer's website...
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RPG Training Programs
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
Discipline: Psychiatry,
Effects of RPG,
Discipline: Psychology,
therapeutic rpg,
therapeutic role-playing game,
Discipline: Education / Formal Classroom Setting,
rpg for therapy,
RPG Training,
blog posting,
rpg for education,
Role-Playing Gaming Therapeutic Recreation Handbook of Practice,
Discipline: TR/RT
The RPG Therapeutics LLC website has updated the section of the site listing training options for "Introduction to RPG Training Series", "Role-Playing Game Advocate", "RPG Facilitator", "Game Master in Education", and "Game Master in Therapy" and "Introduction" series of training and certification programs.
Located in
The new Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer prototype, the RPG Research International Community, and RPG Therapeutics, Featured on KREM 2 News & Northwest Cable News!
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
archived article,
therapeutic role-playing game,
RPG Research Interview,
interview / media mention,
rpg trailer,
therapeutic recreation,
blog posting,
On Monday, October 10th, 2016, Hawke Robinson, Founder of the RPG Research Project Community Website, President of RPG Therapeutics LLC, and creator of the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, was interviewed over a 4 hour period from 5:00 am to 9:00 am by KREM 2 news reporter Kaitlin Loukides, with 4 short 1-3 minute live broadcast segments (one each hour)!
Located in
The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
rpg trailer
I already regularly run (for free) non-modified role-playing games that include players with Autism Spectrum, Cerebral Palsy, and at-risk youth in the Spokane area. I would like to be able to provide these games to a much broader geographic area, including rural areas, and groups that do not have their own facilities. The Role-playing Gaming trailer will make it possible to provide these sessions to many more people over a much wider area and populace.
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The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Prototype Is Now A Reality
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
blog posting,
rpg trailer
The wheelchair friendly RPG Trailer prototype is now a reality! Based in Spokane, and hoping to provide services throughout North America. The first session is scheduled for next week...
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Updated list of goals for the RPG Research Project
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
blog posting,
RPG Research Goal,
RPG Research Project Updates
Recently updated the main page's list of goals. Over the next few weeks, I will elaborate on the details of each of those goals. Here is the overview list:
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Wizards of the Coast D&D Dragon Talk Broadcast Notes
Hawke Robinson
Jun 20, 2015
last modified
Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
filed under:
RPG Therapeutics LLC,
Discipline: RPGT (Role-Playing Game Therapy),
recreation therapy,
correlative research,
Brain Injury (Stroke, TBI, etc.),
RPG Format: Tabletop,
blog posting,
RPG Textbook,
Effects of RPG,
The RPG Research Podcast / Vidcast,
Drum Circle,
interview / media mention,
suicide / suicidal,
pdd / asd / autism spectrum,
therapeutic rpg,
RPG Format: Computer-based,
rpg for therapy,
hawke robinson,
RPG Research Interview,
Drum, drums, drumming, drum circle, drum circle facilitation,
RPG Format: Live-action,
rpg for education,
recreational therapy
Here are notes from the January 22nd, 2018 interview broadcast at Wizards of the Coast's Dungeons & Dragons, "Dragon Talk" with Greg Tito and Shelly Mazzanoble, interviewing John Welker & Hawke Robinson of RPG Research, Spokane Area Gaming Alliance, & RPG Therapeutics LLC, about role-playing game education, therapy, and more. Currently a work in progress. I am working on it each day in small snippets of time while juggling everything else. I will let folks know when it is ready for sharing.
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