RPG Research Blog

Still moving over 2,000 blog postings to new site
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAs some of you are aware, the server was completely replaced some weeks ago, after months of preparation. I am still moving the content from the old server to the new one.

Israeli Army Frowns on D&D Players
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMBy Hanan Greenberg - Published: 02.28.05, 14:17 / Israel News - IDF says “They're detached from reality and suscepitble to influence,” regarding role-playing gamers and so D&D players are automatically given a low security clearance...

Differences Between Shorter Single Adventures versus Longer Campaigns
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDetermine if any differences are indicated from participation in shorter single sessions versus longer "campaigns" over different durations.

Determine Optimal Duration of Role-playing Gaming Sessions
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMTest different durations of game sessions from 45 minutes up to 8 hours, in 1 hour, and later 30 minute increments, to determine the optimal duration for maximal therapeutic benefit per session.

Compare Therapeutic and Educational Differences Between Different Role-playing Game Systems
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDetermine if different game systems such as Dungeons & Dragons versus Lord of the Rings role-playing gaming, have any measurable differences in effect on the participants.

BBC - What happened to Dungeons and Dragons?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMBy Darren Waters - BBC News Online - Monday, 26 April, 2004, 12:40 GMT 13:40 UK. In the 1980s millions of teenagers world-wide would battle dragons armed with just dice, paper and pens. D&D became part of youth sub-culture but as the game celebrates its 30th birthday, is anyone still playing?

Determine if Role-playing Gaming Has Different Therapeutic or Educational Effects on Different Populations
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDetermine differences between various populations and cultures in response to participating in role-playing game sessions.

Monsters Are People Too
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM12-year-old uses Dungeons and Dragons to help scientist dad with his research . The paper describing the results—delightfully entitled “Monsters are people too”...

Determine if any Controllable Variables That Can Lead to Using Role-playing Games as a Therapeutic Modality
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDetermine if there are any controllable, repeatable "positive" or "negative", statistically significant characteristics of role-playing gaming sessions that can clearly be defined and controlled, and might be most useful to using role-playing games for specific therapeutic treatments, either separately or in conjunction with other therapy modalities.

Incorporating RPG into Clinical Practice Presentation at WSTRA 2018 by RPG Research & RPG Therapeutics
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMRPG Research and RPG Therapeutics LLC representatives are presenting at the upcoming 2018 Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association (WSTRA) annual professional conference. The topic: "Role-Playing Game (RPG) Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (TRS) Game Master (GM) Step 1: How to Develop and Integrate Role-Playing Games as an Intervention Modality into Therapeutic Recreation Programs."

Braille Dice from FigmentsOfFilaments
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMUnfortunately the dice we purchased were very poorly made, with holes through them, inconsistent sizing, too light, and poor design for those with visual impairment. Also I was unable to easily contact the seller for support. At this point I'm sorry to say I can't recommend them. If the issues are addressed in the future by the seller, and pending feedback from Nexus center and others, I will update this posting accordingly.

What Tools Do You Use for Your Campaigns?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAs asked in Geek Therapy Community on Facebook by Pâris Conte, "To those here that write campaigns, build campaign settings, etc... What system do you use to store and organise your notes? A hand written journal? Specific software? Why did you chose what you use?". Such a lengthy response would be a terrible wall of text on FB, so I'm answering it here where both longevity and formatting are MUCH better...
2017 Schedule So Far
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThings are really ramping up. Here is what the schedule for the year is looking like so far...

8 foot RPG Research WorldCon Poster At Printers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAmong other activities, I am speaking on 3 panels, and have a poster presentation on "Super Science Saturday" at WorldCon 73 (Sasquan), August 19-23 in Spokane, Washington. For the poster, I have delivered the file to the printers to create an 8 foot by 4 foot poster summarizing my 10+ years (so far) of work on the RPG Research Project...

Summary List of RPG Research Activities of Note
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 07, 2023 08:46 AMHere is a shortened list of just a few key activities I am involved with related to RPG Research...

Gender bias in gaming community and industry statistics overview
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWithout analysis commentary, here are just a few raw numbers of interest. Actual analysis still pending down the road...

List of Hypothetical Benefits of RPG for Different Therapeutic Interventions
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMStill going to be a while before can test these hypotheses, but here are some ideas about potential benefits and uses of different RPG formats for different population needs. If you have ideas, corrections, suggestions, additions, please do comment to help add to the list for future potential testing inclusion.

Which state & federal legislators have engaged in role-playing gaming?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWhich state & federal legislators have engaged in role-playing gaming?

Some independent variables to consider
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust some thoughts on some of the independent variables to modify and then observe the different results (if any)...

Some thoughts on dependent variables to consider
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust a quick list of a few of the dependent variables to test over time.

MMORPG research, some initial thoughts.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA few months ago I tried out a number of computer-based RPGs. I've dabbled with different ones over the decades and always felt they were flat, 2-dimensional, boring, hack-n-slash and quickly uninteresting. I thought I would get a more up to date view of the most popular ones. Here are some of my initial experiences. I plan to spend more time over coming months digging deeper of course...

Trying to merge WOW accounts
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI originally started with a trial, and then purchased the retail versions. Now my keys are scattered across two accounts under one email address, and the website self help I was unable to find directions to make this work, and the normal "merge" function won't allow it to merge. So I have had to contact Blizzard's tech support.

Warhammer FRP - Ideal For Immature Gamers?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI have delved a little further into the Warhammer Fantasy Role Play rules, and from what I am seeing, I have a working theory as to where WH FRP may have it's usefulness for a specific subtype of role playing gamer, the immature player.

Resuming World of Warcraft research
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI first tried out WoW out near the beginning of the year (2011), spent a couple hours, then moved on to the other MMORPGs I am studying, spending about 1-2 hours each. Now I am going to spend about a month or so on each game to get a more in depth understanding of each, beginning with the market share giant, World of Warcraft. So far, my initial impressions are not very favorable....

Role-playing games act as a unifying communal practice
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMUsing the examples of Vampire: Masquerade, and Werewolf, by White Wolf, the book provides some nice examples....

Update on various Role Playing Games I've been researching and using lately
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIt has been a very busy couple of months actually doing role playing gaming with a number of different RPG systems. I haven't posted in a while, so thought I would give a quick update on what I have been working with lately...

Biofeedback and RPG research
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMOn October 30th, 2011, I was having a discussion about the various bio-feedback and neuro-feedback experiments I have performed related to music therapy, and it occurred to me that the same technology could potentially help make it easier to develop a therapeutic modality with role playing games using the same equipment, at the very least to try to determine the recreation therapy goal of a state of "flow" more objectively....

Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMFound this for only $10 including with 30 day play.

Vision of the future
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIt is still far to early to be sure that this vision for the future will even be relevant several years from now, as the research data begins to roll in, but if any of the core assumptions hold even remotely true, then the long term goal of creating RPG therapy modules could become a reality.

If You Like RPG - Have You Seen "The Gamers" Movies?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI am amazed how many avid role-playing gamers I run into that haven't even heard of The Gamers movies by Dead Gentlemen Productions and Zombie Orpheus Entertainment members. If you love role-playing games, you should have seen The Gamers movies. Help Zombie Orpheus Entertainment get to the next goal of The Gamers: The Series!

Preference for competitive or cooperative games?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA question that came up from others elsewhere (social network poll): "How do you rather play games? Cooperatively, no preference, competitively?"

Help RPG Research Acquire Role-Playing Game Books and Materials
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHelp RPG Research acquire role-playing game books and supplies for research and community programs.
Story #X: Story Title - RPG Story of the Template
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMStory #__: ____________________. A series of anecdotal postings sharing observations, comments, and other relevant experiences, about the effects of role-playing gaming...
Story #3: Wheelchair Elven Cavalry Drives Back Orcs - RPG Story of the Day
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMStory #__: ____________________. A series of anecdotal postings sharing observations, comments, and other relevant experiences, about the effects of role-playing gaming...
Story #2: Look Dorky to Looks Cool - RPG Story of the Day
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMStory #__: ____________________. A series of anecdotal postings sharing observations, comments, and other relevant experiences, about the effects of role-playing gaming...
Story #1: Camper Drawn Out of Shell - RPG Story of the Day
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMStory #1: Camper Drawn Out of Shell. A new series of postings sharing observations, comments, and other relevant experiences, about the effects of role-playing gaming...

2nd Attempt RPG Research Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Prototype Purchase
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMUPDATE 20160926 Second Attempt: Well, I did it, I went ahead and bought the Forest River Vengeance 19V using my own funds. I didn't dip into the donation funds. Still saving donations money for the more optimal custom-build down the road, while I use the prototype to work out logistics, legal, and other hoops...

RPG in Prisons
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAn archived article from 2010 was recently doing the rounds in Facebook RPG groups, here is more information on the topic and some of my relevant thoughts and experiences.

Use Bio-feedback and Neuro-feedback on Role-playing Gamers to Monitor Physiological and Neurological Activity
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMPerform bio-feedback and neuro-feedback analysis on role-playing gamers before, during, and after gaming sessions to determine if any measurable effects are observable by these media.

Apply Neuro-imaging Scans Comparing Role-playing Gamers to Non-gamers.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMLooking not just for real-time neurological activity during game sessions, but also if any significant long term changes are indicated in brain activity patterns, or even any physiological differences compared to control groups (such as those who have never participated in role-playing gaming).

Compare Therepeutic and Educational Differences Between Different RPG Genres
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDetermine if different role-playing game genres have any measurable differences.

Determine if Different RPG Campaign Settings Have Different Therapeutic and Educational Effects on Participants
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWithin a specific genre, determine if different campaign settings have any measurable differences in specific therapeutic or educational influences on participants.

Environmental Impact on Role-playing Gamers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDetermine ideal environmental settings for role-playing game sessions, and if various settings have different effects on the therapeutic or educational impact of role-playing gaming.

Abstract - Encounters at the Imaginal Crossroads: An Exploration of the Experiences of Women in Role-playing Games
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis is a doctoral thesis by Christopher J. Dyszelski, Candidate for the Degree: Doctor of Philosophy. This study was a critical, archetypal, feminist ethnography and psychological inquiry into the experiences of women in tabletop role-playing gaming and its culture.

Update correlative and meta-research information regarding role-playing gamers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMMost of the existing research on role-playing gamers is dated from the 1980's and early 1990's. As an initial significant first step for the RPG Research Project, bring the correlative and meta-analysis data up to date.

"Knock it off" Shows and Writers Still Perpetuating Negative RPG Gamer Stereotypes, Even in Webisodes
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAs Mike Rugnetta, host of the PBS Idea Channel, said to the writers of Big Bang Theory, that keep perpetuating all the negative stereotypes about role-playing gamers, "Knock it off." A challenge to writers to try something different.

Why Do Tabletop RPGs Have Such a Gender Ratio Imbalance? What Can Be Done to Improve the Balance?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis topic has come up so many times in so many locations, I wanted to try to (eventually) get enough insights, to begin having some direction for some targeted research to attempt some kind of genuine answer. Until then, just some thoughts and suggestions about the possible reasons why, and also suggestions as to what might help bring more balance?

Create Adventure Modules for Specific Client Needs, such as PTSD, Depression, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery, and others
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMExperiment with creating “adventure modules” specifically designed to address targeted population needs such as socialization issues between different groups.

Game Master Therapist & Game Master Instructor
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIf indicated viable from the research results of all the previous steps, define the requirements for a Game Master Therapist (GMT) or Game Master Instructor (GMI) in applying a role-playing game therapeutic or educational module.

Maine State Senator Playing Orc on World of Warcraft Elected Despite Opponents Attacks On Her Gaming Hobby
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMColleen Lachowicz, Democrat for Maine state senate, won despite attacks claiming concern over her "fitness for office" due to her online "disturbing alter ego". These attacks from her opposition were targeting her online gaming in World of Warcraft...

Confirmed: Writing entire chapter on RPG for 4th edition textbook "Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation"
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWonderful news, I just received an email today confirming they wish for me to proceed with writing the entire chapter on using role-playing games as a facilitation technique for therapeutic recreation!

Average Setup And Preparation Time
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA great question on the Facebook RPG Connection group page: "All right dungeon Masters listen up let us know what you do to prepare for a game and how long does it usually take you." Here is my lengthy response for a wide range of variables...

Game to Grow Episode 1
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJoin the live broadcast Monday, July 11th, 5:00 pm Pacific time. The first episode in the monthly series on the benefits and uses of games...

The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI already regularly run (for free) non-modified role-playing games that include players with Autism Spectrum, Cerebral Palsy, and at-risk youth in the Spokane area. I would like to be able to provide these games to a much broader geographic area, including rural areas, and groups that do not have their own facilities. The Role-playing Gaming trailer will make it possible to provide these sessions to many more people over a much wider area and populace.

Now Adding RPG-related Research Documents Daily
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMNow that the 2,000+ blog postings are finished being copied over from the old site, I am now moving the hundreds of various research articles, abstracts, etc...

Game Schedule in RPG Trailer at SpoCon 2017 - August 11-13
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is the game schedule for the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer at this year's SpoCon in downtown Spokane August 11th through 13th...

The RPG Research Project's Public Meeting and Broadcast, August 5th, 2017
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe RPG Research Project meets, and broadcast publicly, regarding current events, research, discoveries, etc. pertinent to The RPG Research Project. People from all related efforts around the world are invited to join in sharing their updates as well. This tends to be more high level than our podcast/vidcasts, mostly providing a brief overview for people. Meetings range anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on other participants contributions. Sometimes it is just a quick summary status update of the past month, and the upcoming month. Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation!

ADD/ADHD Classroom Modifications: Gamification - Competitive vs. Cooperative
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis is a less formal, discussion posting. Not really cleaned up, since I have other deadlines looming where I need to focus my time. But I wanted to post it while thinking about it, before it gets buried by other projects. It is a slightly lengthy, not quite essay, regarding my concerns about the recommendations for "gamification" of instruction in the classroom, especially competitive versus cooperative. It is posted more as a forum discussion request. I look forward to everyone's comments. At the time of this posting I was taking an elective course in Teaching Youth & Teens with ADD / ADHD & Executive Function (EF) Deficits. Basically how to understand and provide appropriate adaptations when teaching this population group. Part of the course includes online discussions. I thought I would save for discussion outside of the classroom, my postings of related topics. I welcome feedback from others...
ADD/ADHD Students Part 1
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI am currently taking an elective course in Teaching Youth & Teens with ADD / ADHD & Executive Function (EF) Deficits. Basically how to understand and provide appropriate adaptations when teaching this population group. Part of the course includes online discussions. I thought I would save for discussion outside of the classroom, my postings of related topics. I welcome feedback from others...

Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer at SpoCon 2017 Public Tour
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer will be at this year's Science Fiction & Fantasy convention in Spokane, Washington, SpoCon 2017, all three days, August 11-13. The public is welcome to tour the trailer, and potentially see it in action. here is the tour schedule...
RPG Research Podcast Episode One
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMEpisode One of the official RPG Research Podcast is now available!

The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Second Tour - Feb 2-4, 2017
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe RPG Trailer will be on a second tour February 2nd through 4th, from Spokane, Washington, to Portland, Oregon (and back).

Join Monthly RPG Research Meeting Broadcast
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe monthly RPGResearch.com meetings will begin broadcasting through Google Plus Hangout and Youtube.com/rpgresearch, on the first Saturday of each month from 11:00 am to Noon (Pacific Time). Please join in the conversation regarding the therapeutic and educational uses of role-playing gaming in all forms (tabletop, live-action, computer-based, etc.).

D&D 5 Review Part 1 - Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Review by RPG Research founder Hawke Robinson
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMPart 1 in a series of reviews of the new D&D 5th Edition (previous D&D Next) Players Handbook (PHB). After the terrible 4th edition, how does 5th edition compare? Same, better, or worse?

Volunteers Needed for Cooperative Tabletop Recreation (RPG) Participants Intake and Facilitation
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHelp facilitating cooperative group tabletop recreation on Monday and Wednesday nights. Training begins October 6th, gaming sessions begin October 13th and 15th.

Please contact me regarding your RPG projects for therapy or education
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI have spoken with many of you in recent years about your efforts to use role-playing games for achieving educational and therapeutic goals. I will be presenting very soon (possibly this weekend) with an update on the world-wide projects related to this topic. If you have a project you would like me to mention to the world, please contact me ASAP to let me know so I can include more up to date information. This includes tabletop, live-action (LARP), and computer-based forms of RPG.

Upcoming Video - Introduction Talk About RPG Research Around The World - ZoeCon 2014
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI had a chance to briefly speak, at a high-level introductory level about the current status around the world regarding the use of role-playing games (tabletop, live-action (LARP), or computer-based) to achieve therapeutic and/or educational goals. The video will be available soon.

Traumatic Brain Injury department volunteer - RPG & Music
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust a quick update, As of November 2014 I began volunteering weekly at Saint Luke's Rehabilitation (Spokane, Washington, USA) in their Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) departments (among others).

RT / TR, RPG Therapy vs. Therapeutic RPG
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI was attending the Professional Issues in Therapeutic Recreation course today, we were going over a chapter regarding the history of Recreation Therapy and Therapeutic Recreation, and the ever-recurring battle over TR vs. RT. This triggered some thoughts regarding the use of a role-playing game (RPG) as a therapeutic intervention modality, namely "Role-playing game Therapy" versus "Therapeutic Role-playing gaming"...

The Spartan Show Adventurers Guild Broadcasts
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJoin us for The Spartan Show Adventurer's Guild - Hawke Robinson is the DM as we broadcast live tabletop RPG sessions. Includes new sketch artist drawing scenes real-time during the game! Upcoming features include audience ability to influence events and other factors in future games!

Using Role-Playing Games in Recreation Therapy - Therapeutic Recreation Professional Panel Question
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWe have a TR professional panel coming to the university shortly, and we had a teamed class assignment to create questions in advance for the panel, with APA citations, research, etc. Each team member had to create 4 questions. One of my questions was regarding the lack of any effort by the TR industry to use RPG in any format as a recreation therapy intervention modality. It will be a few weeks before the panel meets, but here is the question as submitted to the professor tonight....

RPG Research Speaking at ZoeCon II - Video
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe video is now available for Hawke Robinson's RPG Research Project discussion/speech at November's 2014 ZoeCon II. ZoeCon is from Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, creators of The Gamers, The Gamers II: Dorkness Rising, The Gamers III: Hands of Fate, Journey Quest, and many other shows.

Raw Data from Research on Gender Bias in Gaming Community and Industry
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMSince it is taking too long to get around to the formal analysis and paper write-up, I am posting much of the raw data here (without the comments for now), without much in the way of analysis. At some point I hope to provide a more formal document, but hopefully the numbers speak well for themselves and will be helpful for those interested in the topic. This is not the complete data set, but the more significant aspects from the very large total data.
Possible to Develop "Road Rage" Treatment Through RPG?
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIs it possible to develop an RPG-based program to help modify aggressive/raging drivers' cognitions and behaviors to be safer on the road?

D&D 5th Edition - Hawke's House Rules
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMFolks have been asking me repeatedly about how to "fix" D&D 5e to tone it down a bit for their campaigns, especially for long-term campaigns, so I have posted my 5 house rules that so far, since last summer, (4 groups using them now) have helped considerably.

The Benefits of Role-Playing Games, and How to Get Started
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMRole-Playing games promote a number of positive social aspects, as this LifeHacker article points out. It also shows you how to get started!

Raw Video Now Available - at Seattle Childrens Hospital RPG as Therapy WSTRA Con 16
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe raw unedited video of my presentation "The Therapeutic and Educational Uses of Role-Playing Games (RPG) as Intervention Modalities for Individuals and Groups from the Therapeutic Recreation Perspective" at Seattle Children's Hospital for the Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association (WSTRA) 16th annual conference. The live version of this presentation was certified for Continuing Education Units (CEU's) by the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA).

RPG Gender Bias Research Stage 2 - Status Update
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust a quick update to let folks know where I am at on this project....

Enhanced Video - RPG as Therapy Presentation - Seattle Childrens Hospital WSTRA Con 16
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is the improved and enhanced audio/video of the presentation "The Therapeutic and Educational Uses of Role-Playing Games (RPG) as Intervention Modalities for Individuals and Groups from the Therapeutic Recreation Perspective" at Seattle Children's Hospital for the Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association (WSTRA) 16th annual conference. The live version of this presentation was certified for Continuing Education Units (CEU's) by the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA). This the sound fixed, and includes the slideshow added to the video to be easier to read. Closed captions coming soon too.
Book announcement - Virtual Worlds for Online Learning: Cases and Applications
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI have not had a chance to review this book (I hope to do so after Tolkien Moot is over, too much on my plate right now). Since this is somewhat related, I was asked by Mark Lee to spread the word to others, so here is the press release he submitted about this book. -- Announcing the publication of the following title (now available for pre-order): ---

Let WorldCon 2015 Know if you Want RPG Therapy Panel
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMLet them know if you too would like to see a panel on the therapeutic effects/uses of role-playing games at the 2015 WorldCon in Spokane!

A Vision of the RPG Research Trailer
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI have been mulling over an idea for about half a year now. And it solves a lot of logistics issues in trying to further the research on the effects of role-playing games. An RPG Trailer as a portable facility/office...

Picking up Wheelchair Friendly RPG Research Trailer Prototype Thursday September 29, 1:00 PM
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAfter an 18 month-long search, a previous attempting falling through last week due to vandalism/theft, scheduled for 2nd attempt at picking up a prototype of the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Thursday, September 29th, 2016, at 1:00 pm...

RPG Gender Bias Research Stage 2 - Status Update
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust a quick update to let folks know where I am at on this project....

Join Live RPG Research Q&A on #RPGNET
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJoin the Q&A Session on the #RPGNET Chat server. Dan will be hosting as Hawke Robinson, founder of The RPG Research Project, discusses his research on the effects of role-playing games, and discusses the wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer campaign. Join us live Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Central Time...

Recent Discussion Partial Short List of RPG Benefits
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere are excerpts from a recent email summarizing just a few of the many benefits of RPGs...
Extremely Generous ClickIT RV in Spokane!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAs many of you know, I have been searching for the past 18 months for a trailer that is wheelchair accessible for providing recreation therapy and related services (for free) to special needs populations, but finding the right layout (and price) has been a challenge. Today, the extremely generous folks at ClickIT RV found something and gave me a shockingly lower price to begin making this idea a reality!!!

MDA Summer Camp and RPG / LARP Update on the RPG Research Project and The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis is the week we are providing drumming, tabletop, and live-action role-playing gaming services to the Muscular Dystrophy Association's summer camp. We just finished the first day's services, and will be providing the second day tomorrow. Here is a quick status update...

The Original Cast & Story "The Gamers" Movie Funding Now Underway!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIn 2002, it all began with the original "The Gamers" movie. Now 15 years later, it is time to finish the story, and you can make it happen!

RPG Research and RPG Trailer at 2017 Fan Nexus Spokane
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMNow is your chance to check out, up close, the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, be introduced to role-playing games, learn about the power of all RPG formats, learn how RPGs can be used in professional educational and therapeutic settings to help participants achieve their goals, and much more. Come check us out in the vendor section of the downtown Spokane Convention Center, October 6-8, 2017!
Not everyone can visualize for their imagination...
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIt is important to use adjectives addressing many senses, and visual aides for keeping track, to keep in mind a notable portion of the population that does not imagine through visualization....

MDA Camp 2017 - "Battle Royale: The Summoning"
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM"The Summoning". Using drums, and forming a drum circle, with drum circle facilitation techniques. At the July 18th, 2017, Muscular Dystrophy Association Summer Camp, at Twinlow Retreat near Rathdrum Idaho. We introduced participants to drumming, shield decorating, boffer LARP, and parallel tabletop RPG.

"Are you available to develop a therapeutic role play video game?"
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMSomeone just emailed me this question today. Considering my 30+ years in tech, my 30+ years in RPGs, and 12+ years in recreation therapy and RPG therapy, certainly my overall default answer would be a resounding YES! But in reality it depends on the details of course...
An Experienced Gamer Looking In as Though An Outsider to the Gaming Community
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAs has been the case for me in a number of fields, even though I have been involved with RPGs since 1979, so consider myself an "insider" to the RPG experience compared to people that do not game, and yet as someone increasingly professionally involved with RPGs, the more I meet the "mainstream gaming community" the more I realize I feel more like an outsider looking into the the gaming community...
For the naysayers: Short list of research on TRPGs
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMFor those recently claiming there has not been _any_ research performed or published on the effects of role-playing games, or the personalities/traits of role-playing gamers, here is a reminder list, and where to find much more.
RPG Talk Show Community Live Broadcast 20180609
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJoin us for the RPG Talk Show community live broadcast at 11:00 am Pacific time every 2nd Saturday of the month. We cover the latest community news related to use and research on the educational, professional, or therapeutic considerations of role-playing games in all formats.

Thoughts on RPG Assessment Process
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis was triggered by someone's question in a Facebook group, and I thought it worthwhile to repost here, in a more legible format, and more useful platform...

How far to go with trolls?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMRecently in a Facebook conversation regarding the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, I had some interaction with what turned out to be a troll. At first I thought it might be a legitimate interaction, but only too late was it clear they were otherwise... I thought it would be fun to post the interaction here for future reference.

These Maps Reveal the Hidden Structures of ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Books
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is an interesting article detailing some of the Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) structures, with some interesting insights and commentary summing up a few of the examples.

Road Map draft
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI have had many conversations with folks about where this project is at, and where it is planned to go, and I have blogged a bit about the overall vision of the future, but now I need to write down the approximate road map of the next few stages that has been discussed with others but not written down until now...
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