RPG Research Blog

New Section added to website: Books
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI recently added a new section to the website under the Documents section, books. These are various books that I have read, am reading, or plan to read. They are related in some way to any of the following: role-playing gaming, therapy, psychology, psychology research, recreation therapy, play therapy, neuropsychology, cognitive neuropsychology, bio and neuro feedback, and similar topics. I hope this resource will be helpful for others in their research as well.

Dialog on rpg research on rpg.net
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA little bit of a thread on the rpg.net site about RPG research...

"Gamer folk are more cunning than most"
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAn entertaining quote from the Serenity RPG...

Well, so much for RPG.net as a useful resource
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI guess I should have staged the polls more slowly. Clearly too much attention was drawn by posting too many new polls too closely together. RPG.net just moved ALL the polls effectively to their bit-bucket the Ads/Open Promo Classifieds section, basically spelling the death of those polls. :-(

Added Youtube Channel, Google Plus, and Orkut for RPG Research
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMInitially this may just be a video blog, or similar less formal means of sharing ideas about the RPG Research Project. But over time hopefully more formal presentations will be made available. I also hope to engage in live broadcast discussion on the topics of the therapeutic aspects of role-playing games. These are in addition to the existing Twitter and Facebook areas.... Added Youtube Channel, Google Plus, and Orkut for RPG Research

Østerskov Efterskole - Danish public high school teaching all subjects using LARP
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThanks to feedback from @Jmstar on Twitter, he pointed out a public school in Denmark teaching all subjects for what in the US we would consider sort of upper high school, or post high school between high school and college, teaching in depth educational subjects entirely using LARP techniques.

Goal 3 - Evaluate what, if any, of the notable correlative data has any causal relationship
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDetermine if the correlative tests indicating significant differences in role-playing gamers from the general populace, are a causal result of their participation in role-playing games? ...

Demographic idiosyncrasies of role-playing gamers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMGoal 4, determine/validate if there are any correlative demographic idiosyncrasies in variables found between intensely dedicated role-playing gamers, more casual but experienced role playing gamers, and the general population.

An Overview History and Potential Therapeutic Value of Role Playing Gaming (2004)
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMOriginally written in 2004, and periodically tweaked over the years. After decades of using RPGs in educational settings, this was the paper that started the therapeutic focus and building of the RPG Research website. There are very few social table-top recreation activities available that are cooperative rather than competitive in nature. Role playing gaming is by design a cooperative past time, which in and of itself may have significant benefits in the world where everything is becoming competitive at all ages and levels of society...

Any causal differences on participants between heroic versus evil campaigns?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIf there are indicators that role-playing games have a causal impact on participants, attempt to determine if there are any differentiations in impact on test subjects between "heroic" and "evil" game campaign settings.

Cooperative RPG Versus Competitive RPG
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMTabletop role-playing games are generally speaking a cooperative play situation (of course there are exceptions). LARP and video-game-based "RPG" are generally competitive. Does changing tabletop RPGs to more competitive approaches impact any of the potential therapeutic value compared to "normal" cooperative role-playing gaming?

Health and obesity rates of different types of role-playing gamers? LARP, Computer-based, Tabletop.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAnother variable to consider when researching different RPG medium participants (LARP, Computer-based, Tabletop) is the physical health and conditioning of role-playing gamers...

Summer 2017 Schedule
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIs it nearly June, and here is a quick overview of what is already scheduled for this summer...

Social Workers’ Perceptions of the Association Between Role Playing Games and Psychopathology
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWhereas role-playing and table-top role-play games (RPGs) have been proven to have potential as therapeutic tools, playing RPGs is often stereotypically associated with social incompetence and psychiatric disorders.
Short List of Intake and Assessment Tools
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAs is requested periodically, here is a short list of the various intake and ongoing assessment tools we have used in various RPG research and program plans. Many of these have licenses and restrictions, but some are freely available.
Game Session Zero
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
RPG Trailer First Tour Scheduling
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMNow that I have the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Prototype, I need to think about scheduling... How about a little mini tour!

Help Us Reach Patreon Goal #4 - Live Broadcasts - And get the Wheelchair Accessible RPG Bus Up and Running
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWhen you help us reach the 4th goal, you unlock Live Monthly RPG Research Broadcasts, and help get the Wheelchair Accessible RPG Bus up and running!

Another Interview by HBO VICE Documentary Group of Hawke Robinson Founder of the RPG Research Project
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAnother member of the documentary group VICE, as seen on HBO and online, has asked for another interview regarding Autism Spectrum and role-playing games.

RPG Handbook of Practice Update
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA new draft of the Therapeutic Recreation Role-Playing Gaming Handbook of Practice has been uploaded. This is as always a Request for Comments (RFC), and additional contributors. Would folks be interested in contributing if I once again setup a Wiki version?

The Muscular Dystrophy Association
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMFinished a wonderful meeting at the Spokane HQ for the MDA. They are interested in collaborating on efforts to use Role-Playing Games to help those people with Muscular Dystrophy (MD).

A Good Problem to Have, So Many Opportunities to Help Others! But Sharing Warning to Self...
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMSharing Caution to Self, Beware Too Many Brands in the Fire, This is a reminder to myself, but also to share (because it is a good "problem" to have), about needing to throttle back from adding too many brands in the fire (to mix metaphors)...

— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis site is undergoing a complete overhaul. Please check back in 24-72 hours. Thank you for your patience. RPG (Role-Playing Game) Research is an ongoing long-term series of projects that include studies on the therapeutic and educational aspects of role-playing games, with additional emphasis on determining any causality related to participation in role-playing gaming. This research includes tracking any other projects around the world that use role-playing games as educational or therapeutic intervention modalities.

Yet Another Example of Inculcated Stigma Regarding Role-Playing Gamers
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMYet another anecdotal example of RPG related stigma: I was getting a haircut yesterday at a chain in Spokane, Washington. The female stylist was about to speak, paused and then looked over at her co-worker, saying hesitantly "I love playing role-playing games like D&D"...

Help Make The RPG Research Trailer a Reality?
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI am trying to increase the geographic ability to provide RPG sessions for many populations around the North America. This will also later help improve the reach of research efforts, and then after that provide actual therapeutic programs using RPG in all forms to help with development and healing. The studies are the on therapeutic & educational effects of role-playing gaming (tabletop, live-action, & computer-based). Hoping folks see the benefit of helping to make this portable RPG research facility a reality. I know this is a reach, but thought it important enough to at least see if it can be made a reality. If not something you feel you could help with, please consider letting others know. Thank you for your time and consideration! - http://www.gofundme.com/rpgtrailer

Study on Gender Bias in Gaming Community and Industry - Some Early High-level Initial Information
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWhile not ready to release a comprehensive report, there are some numbers that are pretty straight forward and should be of interest to many. This is a self-report questionnaire on experiences and perceptions of gender bias in the gaming community and industry.

List of Created Autism Spectrum Program Plans Utilizing Role-playing Games as Intervention Modalities From a Therapeutic Recreation Approach
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMSo far I have completed 3 different program plans specifically designed for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) toddlers, youth, & adults, and are likely applicable to the broader range of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD).

The RPG Research Trailer Updated Information
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis was too long to post in full on some sites such as GeekAndSundry.com, so I have the full-length version here to be linked to.

WSTRA Conference 17
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI am Presenting on RPGs for Therapy & Education at Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association 17th Annual conference (WSTRA Con 17), April 2nd.

Significant Progress on Paperwork for Pilot Research Study Using RPGs Within the Constraints of a University Setting
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMSignificant progress made today in the paperwork process for putting together the study on "Efficacy Assessment of Role-playing Games as an Instructional Technique within the Constraints of a University Academic Setting from the Neuropsychology Perspective"...

Another (Anecdotal) Example Why The Popular Negative Stereotypes About Role-playing Gamers is Important to Address
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is another example of how pervasive the inculcation of misinformation, myths, and negative stereotypes about role-playing gamers has become in the united states. This person believed D&D caused her relative to commit a double homicide (mother and unborn child) in Idaho, "she thought his (in her view) 'addiction to D&D led to his killing them'".

Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Tour #3 May 5-7, 2017
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMRPG Therapeutics LLC, RPG Research, now on the third tour with the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer! See the map for tour route. Drop on by and say hi!

2017 Testimonial about RPG Research from the Muscular Dystrophy Association
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM"... I was a counselor at the MDA 2017 Summer Camp ... All I can say is that you guys are AWESOME. My shy camper completely opened up for the first time ... had the best time. ... was his favorite activity from the camp! ... Thank you for everything that you guys do. I'm forever grateful to you! " --Emily

Where Did RPG Dice Come From?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA brief video summary from Grognard Games about the various dice used in RPG...

How “Dungeons & Dragons” saved my autistic son
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM" D&D has always appealed to introverts with rich inner lives. For my boy, it was a lifeline to the outside world. Delani Bartlette, The Good Men Project" Article from Salon.com archived here in case it disappears...

RPG Program Plan for Public Transit Education, ASD, PDD, & Others
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis program is usable for any populations, and professionals in other disciplines, wishing to teach participants to gain competence and confidence in using their local public transit system. This posting is an older prototype posting, there are now more updated versions of this program.

Using Role-Playing Games for Autism Spectrum Participants
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI just sent to the program head, the latest draft of a recreation therapy-related activity program plan using role-playing gaming to prepare for and utilize the metropolitan Bus system for Autism spectrum participants.
Optimizing the RPG Experience for Building Camaraderie As Quickly and Strongly as possible
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDrawing on Therapeutic Recreation theories, methodologies, and protocols, there are a number of "ice breaking" techniques when forming new groups, to help improve building camaraderie. Also taking into account Tuckman's theories on group formation (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing (Adjourning/Mourning)). This article combines all those concepts with using role-playing games to achieve these goals, and techniques for optimizing the RPG experience to improve this process, as well as some examples of games that build some aspects into their systems. This is a work in progress.
Quick Status Update for RPG Research
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust a quick update on various project aspects...

Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Now has Ramp Extensions thanks to generous donation from Veteran referred by the MDA!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe Wheelchair Friendly now has the ramp extensions to accommodate electric wheelchairs and scooters. And actually this version also includes handrails for those that can walk but need some extra support.

Which RPG Therapy Book Cover do you Prefer?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWhich of these three book cover mockups do you prefer (hypothetically of course)...

Firefly RPG
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI ran the Serenity RPG for a while years ago, and we all enjoyed it very much. I was saddened when it they did not renew the license and make more content. Fast-forward a few years, and they produced the Firefly role-playing game. I recently finished running a group through it, and here are my thoughts overall about the differences...

RPG Research Status Update Video on Youtube Channel
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust posted a status update video, 10 minutes long, providing a status update on RPG Research. Please check it out, and comment.

Tabletop RPG Recreation Therapy Example Scenario - Visual Impairment
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis is an excerpt from the RPG Handbook of Practice book I have been working on. This section is for clients with significant to complete visual impairment due to traumatic brain injury to the occipital lobe. It can be extrapolated for the whole range of visual impairments. The client wants to participate in a non-therapy-setting leisure activity of tabletop role-playing gaming. The Recreation Therapist will need to evaluate and write up the potential challenges and modifications that may be necessary for the client to participate in this activity with as little difficulty as possible....

RPG Recreation Therapy Hypothetical Scenario - Bipolar Clients in Complex Interpersonal Interactions
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAs we continue through the course on Recreation Therapy for People with Disabilities at Eastern Washington University, we have various assignments to write up hypothetical scenarios with hypothetical clients. This is one with several types of scenarios with hypothetical bipolar clients using tabletop role-playing gaming as the core activity. This is a high level overview, rather than a detailed activity analysis.

What is Question/Hypothesis of the RPG Research Observation Group 1?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI had a recent question on Facebook about my posting: "Finished session 5 with RPG Preliminary Observation group 1, using Ea d20 RPG in a Tolkien Middle-earth setting." The question was from Sarah Lynne Bowman, author of The Functions of Role-playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity. She asked: "What's the research question/hypothesis?"

Comments on Pat Robertson's Style of Christian Stigma Against Dungeons & Dragons and Role-playing games
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMComments on the recent comments by Pat Robertson on the 700 Club regarding his claims about the supposed harm cause by Dungeons & Dragons (completely disproved by 30+ years of research)...

Just left Gamers Haven - Research Questionnaire on Gender-bias
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDay 1 for research on the topic of gender bias in the gaming community and gaming culture.

Opinion - Big Bang Theory episode on Dungeons & Dragons - The Love Spell Potential
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMLast week, the sitcom The Big Bang Theory spent almost an entire episode on Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). This was episode 23 of Season 6, titled "The Love Spell Potential". If you were not a tabletop Role-playing gamer before, did their representation in any way alter your view of tabletop RPG? Did it increase, decrease, or not at all impact your view of role-playing games and gamers? If you are already a tabletop RPGer, how did you feel about the representation on the show? How did you feel about the sexual rules added? The stereotypes?

My best ICT lesson: algorithms and binary meets fantasy scenarios
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMInspired by the book Computational Fairy Tales, Chris Leach created a fantasy world for his ICT class to introduce them to computational thinking - Re-posted here for archival purposes, an interesting article on how an information and communication technologies instructor used fantasy settings, that could be tied into role-playing gaming to help explain mathematical and computer science based concepts in ways that might be more accessible to a wider audience....

Theory and Hypothesis of the Role-playing Gamer "Floater"
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified May 08, 2023 09:10 AMOriginally posted Jun 04, 2013 02:35 PM: I have a new hypothesis as to why the stereotypes about role-playing gamers have become stronger over the decades rather than being disproved over time (as all the research indicates). I call it a hypothesis of the "Role-playing Gamer Floater"...

Should We Create Monthly RPG Research Discussion Group Meetings?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust curious if folks would attend (on site and/or online) a monthly community discussion meeting group, if it was formed, discussing the therapeutic and educational aspects of role-playing gaming?

RPG Research at Spocon 2013 - Gender-bias Questionnaire, Stage 2
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust received the good news that I will be allowed to perform the gender-bias questionnaire at Spocon this year, August 9-11.

RPG Research First Public Meeting, August 3rd 1:00 pm (Pacific)
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWe are going to have our first public discussion meeting discussing the therapeutic and educational effects of role-playing games on participants. This will be both in-person, and simulcast live over the Internet via TolkienMoot IX streams.

Live from Tolkien Moot IX - Middle-earth Talk Show Episode 50! August 4th at 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMBe sure to join Michael Martinez, Hawke Robinson, and special guest Professor Chris Seeman for the 50th episode of Middle-earth Talk, broadcast live from Tolkien Moot IX, Sunday, August 4th, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Pacific Time. Live Broadcast of Middle-earth Talk Episode 50 - August 4th at 5:00 pm Pacific Time. Don't miss the 50th episode of Middle-earth Talk, with special guest Professor Chris Seeman, live at Tolkien Moot IX!

Live from TolkienMoot IX - RPG Research First Public Discussion. August 3rd at 1:00 pm Pacific Time.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMRPG Research First Public Meeting, August 3rd 1:00 pm (Pacific) - The Role-Playing Gaming Research Project will be having their first public discussion meeting on the therapeutic and educational effects of role-playing games on participants. This will be both in-person, and simulcast live over the Internet from the Tolkien and gaming convention, TolkienMoot IX....

RPG Research at Spocon 2013
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI will be at Spocon throughout the weekend in Spokane, Washington performing research...

Using Role-playing Games To Assist Recovery of Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMOriginally presented as a slide show presentation for Eastern Washington University class "Recreation Therapy for People with Disabilities". This video is a presentation on the hypothetical use of role-playing games to help a patient with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) progress through various recovery stages. This includes Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA), Computer-based RPG, Tabletop, and Live-action role-play (LARP).

Using Role-Playing Games to Treat PTSD at the VA Hospital
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMTimothe Loya served six years as a U.S. Marine, also serving in Iraq, and has proposed using tabletop role-playing games to treat returning veterans struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System.

Creating LARP Program for Autism Spectrum Toddlers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 07, 2023 08:46 AMDue to excessively strict NDA of the organization, I am very limited in what I can post, but letting those following the RPG Research, beginning working with autism-spectrum toddlers today from a recreation therapy approach, and developing an activity program that is LARP (Live-Action Role-Playing) quest-style for this population group, that we will actually implement in the next few weeks.

Study Playing RPG for 5 Minutes, "Alignment" Impact on Real-world Behaviors (Computer-based RPG)
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThough this is a computer-based RPG (Role-Playing Game) study, pending testing with tabletop, it seems possible that it could apply in tabletop RPG, LARP (Live-Action Role-Playing), and maybe even CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) forms of RPG as well? I would be interesting to perform the same style study with the other formats to see if the format changes the results (or not). Received 10/26/13; Revision accepted 12/11/13

2014 Summer Release Schedule for the New Tabletop D&D 5th Edition - "Free to Play" and Staggered Release (Grumble)
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWhy is WotC spreading out the release of the Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide, and Monster Manual over several months, rather than releasing those core components in the same month??? They are making a free PDF of the Basic set available for download, but the initial download will only be a basic Players Handbook, with no rules to actually run a game. They are planning to emulate the online gaming world's "Free to Play" approach. They will be releasing future free basic versions of the rules via PDF that will include some rules for play, and then also staggering the release of the hardcovers. Internal Correspondence reports the release dates for many of the new D&D products that Wizards of the Coast has announced for the Summer, beginning in July.

Why The Popular Negative Stereotypes About Role-playing Gamers Are Important to Address
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is an example of how pervasive the inculcation of misinformation and myths of negative stereotypes about role-playing gamers has become in the united states.

Now Playing D&D Next 5th Edition Starter Set July 2nd 2014 at Local Hobby Gaming Store...
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWe're at the local hobby/gaming story, Merlyn's in Spokane, playing the brand new 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons (aka D&D Next).

Randomizers and Role-Playing Games
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDuring WorldCon 73, I was DMing a few tables for the local Adventurer's League run by John Welker for the Sasquan Gaming division. One player pulled out his cell phone to roll dice, and I adamantly insisted he must roll physical dice...
King Tut's dagger blade made from meteorite
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMKing Tut's dagger blade made from meteorite, study confirms Weapon was made by hammering in 14th century BC, 600 years before iron smelting developed in Egypt.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMNo time to research this right now, but stumbled across: http://www.classcraft.com will be interesting to delve into after finals are over. Anyone had any experience with it?

Call for Participants - ASL Gaming!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDo you know ASL? Are you Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Hearing with ASL? Do you like fun games? There is a group putting together an online (via video) gaming group, and they would love to hear from you!

Current RPG Research Queue, Fall 2017
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is a quick listing of some of the research currently in the queue for RPG Research, as of September 15th, 2017...

RPG Related Panel Recordings from WorldCon 73 Sasquan
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIf you missed the 3 panels I was on, or wished to review them if you were able to attend them at the 73rd Annual World Science Fiction convention aka Sasquan, here are links to recordings of each.
How I Regulate RPG "Bleed" For Higher-risk Participants
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMDuring lunch at the Compassion Focused Therapy workshop, I had a discussion with a couple of therapists that work in correctional institutions with mental health patients, and the reasons why those facilities don't allow RPGs, namely obsessiveness, sexual "deviancy" reinforcement, and especially "bleed" leading to problems...
TRPG in Online Format - Observation, Analysis, and Commentary
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis article provides observation, analysis, and commentary on efforts to "port" face-to-face Tabletop Role-Playing Games (RPG / TRPG) to an online and entertainment medium.
Tax Court Denies Exempt Status To Group Using Trading Card Games To Promote Sobriety
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM"GameHearts was founded to promote sobriety by providing alternative gaming activities. "

Creating LARP Program for Autism Spectrum Toddlers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 07, 2023 08:46 AMDue to excessively strict NDA of the organization, I am very limited in what I can post, but letting those following the RPG Research, beginning working with autism-spectrum toddlers today from a recreation therapy approach, and developing an activity program that is LARP (Live-Action Role-Playing) quest-style for this population group, that we will actually implement in the next few weeks.

First Prototype of Tabletop RPG as a Modality for Therapeutic / Educational Intervention
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis is my first prototype rough draft in the development of role-playing gaming as a modality for therapeutic / educational interventions. For a Recreation Therapy course in which I am currently enrolled at Eastern Washington University, our task last week was to "Develop a Tabletop Leisure Education Game" for a group of Autism Spectrum (and other) adults in a facility near the Seattle area (we are in Spokane, WA). Of course I selected (with the approval of my assigned partner in the project, Tabletop Role-Playing Gaming (RPG ) for this assignment, in this case a 1940s Gumshoe Detective-style mystery set in urban Chicago...
Considering Patreon Launch
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMSome people suggested looking at Patreon.com as a possible means of funding for the RPG Research project, from the community most interested in the project's goals. I have a draft page set up now, and would like feedback to help further polish the page...

4 Big Questions
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAs summarized in Babylon 5, and applicable to RPG character development, and player goals...

Back to Finishing TR Textbook Chapter on RPGs
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMNow that finals over, resuming trying to finish the 30 page textbook chapter on using RPGs for Therapeutic Recreation...
Initial Review of The Gamers: The Shadow Menace
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis is an initial review, with just my first impressions upon the first viewing of the brand new offering in the original The Gamers Series: The Shadow Menace. I attempt to avoid any overt spoilers by keeping this review more abstract rather than specific.

Photos of Hawke's new studio and gaming setup
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMNew Years eve, 2017/2018 I consolidated resources from all over my house, into the broadcast area. Here are some early photos.
Google Business offers no industry categories for Recreation Therapy, Music Therapy, or even generic "Therapy"
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIn creating the Google "My Business" page, I found there are no categories even close to Recreation Therapy (RT), Therapeutic Recreation (TR), Music Therapy, or even a generic "Therapy", and yet they have "Reiki Therapy" and other far more obscure offerings...
RPG Research Podcast Coming Soon!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJohn Welker & Hawke Robinson will be recording the first monthly RPG Research podcast shortly!

Great Western RPG Research Awareness & Fundraising Tour Sep 17 - Oct 10 2018: See Wheelchair Accessible RPG Trailer & RPG Bus, meet RPG Research & RPG Therapeutics.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe wheelchair accessible RPG Bus and RPG Trailer will be on the road for weeks, meeting with people, providing tours, example music and RPG sessions, presentations, and more. Anyone can request a stop location along the route. The current route will be updated daily as stop requests come in. Follow this page for the latest tour updates! Current schedule is September 17th through October 10th schedule subject to change daily). We are getting ready for our longest tour yet, across the Western United States.

Preview Review of Adventures in Middle-earth Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Player's Guide
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe creators of The One Ring Role-Playing Game (TOR), have created the first licensed D&D-based Middle-earth RPG, "Adventures in Middle-earth". Here is a preview from a decades-long Tolkien-based gamer. While I received the PDFs many months ago, I finally received the hard copies of the d20 Tolkien RPG System based on The One Ring (TOR) by Cubicle 7: "Adventures in Middle-earth Players guide" for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. Definitely plan for this to be at Tolkien Moot XIII!

Presention on Conflict and Barriers to Interpersonal Effectiveness Addressing Inculcated Stereotyping and Prejudice toward RPG
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA presentation I created back in 2014 for PSYC 315 "Pyschology of Human Relations" course at Eastern Washington University (EWU) on the biases and stereotyping between RPG, gamers, and non-gamers.

RPG Research at TolkienMoot XIII
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is information, photos, and links to some of the RPG Research volunteers at this year's 13th annual Tolkien Moot convention...

Merging Role-playing Game terminology with Recreation Therapy terms
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI'm currently working on a class project that involves developing a tabletop game as a recreation education intervention for adult special needs population (Autism Spectrum, physical disability, or others).

Raw Data from Research on Gender Bias in Gaming Community and Industry
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMSince it is taking too long to get around to the formal analysis and paper write-up, I am posting much of the raw data here (without the comments for now), without much in the way of analysis. At some point I hope to provide a more formal document, but hopefully the numbers speak well for themselves and will be helpful for those interested in the topic. This is not the complete data set, but the more significant aspects from the very large total data.

Current status on rpg.net polls
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA user on the rpg.net forums asked if I could post an aggregate page comparing the results from the various polls all on one page. This will be where I do so. Keep in mind the polls are completely unscientific.

Gender Ratio for role-playing gamers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMComments?

Solo Role-playing Gaming aka 1 on 1
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA thread was started on the Twitter #RPGChat about solo / 1-on-1 role-playing gaming. Since that is a very limited format, I thought I'd write in more depth about it here. What are you experiences with solo and/or one-on-one RPGing?

Psychology Today Articles on Role-playing Games
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMSome notes for future reading, research, and commentary.

Washington State IRB conversation
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI was concerned I was in trouble with the gender-bias questionnaires, the WA State IRB seems to not think so...

Looking into different IRB options
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI have learned a lot the past few weeks about something called the "Institutional Review Board" (IRB) process.

List of Possible Research Projects for RPG Research
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe front page of rpgresearch.com provides an overview of potential topics to research. This page will attempt to define these in a bit more detail.

Early theory thoughts - Overview
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust the general overview theory I have about participation in RPGs. These ideas will be tested as I work out more detailed hypotheses to test these concepts for validity...

Would RPG be effective for treating PTSD, especially war veterans? Or would it be counter productive?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA number of people have suggested undertaking research on whether using RPGs could be helpful or harmful for war veterans struggling with PTSD.

Role playing gaming can potentially provide greater catharsis
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAssuming the Aristotelian belief in catharsis is true (there is some debate about the validity of catharsis in the psychology research world)...

Irritated with DDO
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI did not play DDO for several months. The characters that I had advanced some levels are now all completely gone (free account). Irritating.
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