RPG Research Blog

New RPG Research Trifold Brochure nearly complete
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAnother important step in building momentum on the RPG Research Project is nearly complete...

My 5th Edition Books Stolen
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMMost of my 5th edition books were stolen last night. 3x player handbooks, 1-2x DMGs, 1x Monster Manual.
RPGs, Working Memory, Thinking Illustratively and Elaborately
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIn a TED talk by Peter Doolittle, he talked about two memory constructs, multitasking and working memory, and in this particular talk focused on Working Memory. This is something where role-playing games may support his recommendations in trying to improve how important things are remembered...

RPG Training Programs
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe RPG Therapeutics LLC website has updated the section of the site listing training options for "Introduction to RPG Training Series", "Role-Playing Game Advocate", "RPG Facilitator", "Game Master in Education", and "Game Master in Therapy" and "Introduction" series of training and certification programs.

10 Days To TolkienMoot XIII. RSVP Today!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMTolkien Moot XIII begins in just 10 days! 7:30 am, July 15th, 2017!

Focusing on Coursework for Fall Quarter
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWell, it is that time of year again, the university's quarter has started back up, so in addition to my usual full time parenting, I will be heads-down focusing on coursework. This means I won't be hanging out on the social networks and such, since I only use that for community building and not for personal use...

Pax Video: RPG for Youth Skill Development
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA recently formed organization (2013) roughly in the Seattle area (Kirkland, Washington more specifically), called Wheelhouse Workshop, spoke at this year's PAX Prime. Here is a video of their discussion about using role-playing games to help develop skills for teenagers...

Episode 1 of The RPG Research Podcast Now Available on Patreon
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMPatreon supporters can now get early access to the latest episode of The RPG Research Podcast with Hawke Robinson and John Welker!

Can you help? Spokane community volunteer and donor needs help finding an affordable warehouse to store wheelchair accessible vehicles.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI have been parking the wheelchair accessible trailer and bus we use to help the community, in my driveway for a little over a year. Now the neighbors are complaining. Can you help in this search?

RPG Research Podcast Episode 6
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust finished recording episode 6 of The RPG Research Podcast w/ John Welker & Hawke Robinson. Includes video this time.

Intense PTSD Class Yesterday
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIn yesterday's class on trauma & PTSD, with the mid-term taking place tomorrow, at the end of the class we had a young Afghanistan veteran share his experiences with PTSD, it was intense to say the least...
The Power of Imagination on Learning Recall
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM
Spokane Drum Circle Facilitation Workshop - November 4th, 2017. 1-3 pm, Spokane, WA.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWorkshop: "An Introduction to Drum Circle Facilitation" at the Indie Air Radio concert hall in Spokane, Washington, Saturday, November 4th, 2017. Space is limited to 35 people, so book you seat right away. Proceeds go toward building the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer fundraising campaign. We also use drum circles as part of the RPG / LARP experience, to summon for gathering, to build cooperative attitudes, paying attention and following directions, excite or relax participants depending on the goals of the adventure. We have more than enough drums for you, or you are welcome to BYOD (Bring Your Own Drum) if you wish. See you there!

Role-Playing Gamers Have More Empathy Than Non-Gamers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAn article about researching indicating that Tabletop Role-Playing Gamers score higher on empathy measurement tools. Thank you CAROL PINCHEFSKY ON JANUARY 13, 2016, for posting this on Geek & Sundry.

Preparing for RPG Research Presentation at WSTRA 17
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMUPDATE: UNFORTUNATELY DUE TO A CLERICAL OR OTHER ERROR, THEY ARE NOT INCLUDING MY PRESENTATION IN THE SCHEDULE, SO IT TURNS OUT I WILL _NOT_ BE SPEAKING AT THIS YEAR'S WSTRA. - - - May 6th is the 17th annual conference for the Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association. I will be presenting on Using Role-Playing Games to Achieve Therapeutic & Educational Goals: The First Steps, and showing the 50-100+ professionals the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer.

RPG Research Short Status Update
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust a quick status update about today's activities related to the RPG Research Project's recent activities...

Ivan Van Norman Says Kind Things about RPG Research & RPG Therapeutics on Wizards DragonTalk!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMNovember 13th, 2017 Ivan Van Norman was on Wizards of the Coast's D&D Dragon Talk with Greg Tito and Shelly Mazzanoble for their Twitch.tv Channel!

Scheduled to be on Wizards of the Coast's "Dragon Talk" show January 22nd, 2018!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMGreat news! We are now scheduled to be on the Wizards of the Coast Twitch show, Dragon Talk with Greg Tito, this coming January 22nd, 2018!
How would you like RpgEducation.Com Access Included with Higher Level Patronage on Patreon.com?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHipsters & Boardgames
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA recent article was floating around proclaiming "Let’s thank hipsters for the return of board games", apparently written by what others described as a "hipster". My attempt to comment to the article with examples/proof that it is more likely economically driven was however "declined, reason: other"...

Example Dialog regarding RPG Therapy on TheRpgSite.com
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThere is an interesting thread regarding the Bodhana group and the use of role-playing games for therapy. I recently stumbled across it and have been enjoying the dialog. I thought I would share a snippet that might be helpful others to understand an example of how the use of RPG for therapy would be applied...

Amalgamation of News Coverage, Panels, Q&A, Hangouts, Broadcasts, Interviews, & Presentations on RPG Research Studies on the Effects of RPG, and RPG used for Therapy & Education by Hawke Robinson
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIt has been a VERY busy 10 months. we have spoken at many conventions/conferences, sat on panels, provided presentations, been in live Q&A chat session, and had many interviews. All about the effects of role-playing games, and their use to achieve therapeutic and educational goals for many different populations. Here is a listing of all these in one location for your convenience...

RPG Research & Hawke Robinson at WorldCon
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMTwo different groups requested my participation in WorldCon 73 (Sasquan) so as per request here is my short bio and schedule from August 19th to 23rd. I hope to see many of you there.

RPG Research Project Patreon Goal #3 Unlocked! All Thanks To You!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThanks to the kind support of Patreon supporters like you, we have just crossed the threshold for goal #3!

RPG Research Project Presenting at PNWATRA Conference January 2016 in Portland OR
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe schedule for the Pacific Northwest American Therapeutic Recreation Association conference has been confirmed. I will be presenting at the Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland, Oregon, on "The use of Role-Playing Games (RPG) as an Intervention Modality" on January 29th, 2016, from 2:20 pm to 3:50 pm.

Good Gaming Etiquette
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis document attempts to spell out what "good gaming etiquette" is, in the role-playing gaming world, depending on the RPG format...

Middle-earth d20 Loremaster's Guide Delayed
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThose that preordered the Loremaster's Guide for the Open Game License (OGL) of D&D 5th Edition (5e) adaptation to Middle-earth based on Cubicle 7's The One Ring RPG (TOR) back in April 2016, recently received notification that there will be a further delay in release of the PDF...

Presenting at WSTRA Conference - Role-Playing Games as Therapeutic Intervention Modality from Therapeutic Recreation Perspective
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI will be presenting at the 16th Annual Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association - WSTRA Conference, Saturday, April 11th.

Sad News, the Israeli Gaming Store Has Closed.
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe gaming store in Israel, that also was implementing therapeutic role-playing for at-risk and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) teens, sadly is closing its doors.

Utilizing Role-Playing Games In Social Skills Assessment and Intervention
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA presentation put together by Dr. James D. Persinger, PhD., of Emporia Statue University in 2003 provides a summary of the history of Role-Playing in therapy, as well as some basic history of RPGs, and numerous tips in implementing RPG-based therapy in a scholastic setting.

A quick summary of my gaming groups & activities.
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI have a few things going on related to RPG, here is a quick summary of the RPG groups I'm in, and some key events...

Avedon's Interaction Patterns Analysis RPG Summary Page
— by admin — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI have found Avedon's Interaction analysis very useful in explaining and developing role-playing games for various intervention goals. I created a "cheat sheet" that summarizes many pages of the concepts into one page, with specific notes for all forms of RPG.

Volunteer ASL proficient Game Master for Role-Playing Game sessions. Deaf & HoH Community in Greater Spokane Area
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMRPG Research, a non-profit charitable 501(c)3 organization, is looking for a volunteer American Sign Language proficient game master for tabletop role-playing games.

Join Us At ZoeCon III Feb 16-18, 2018, Bellevue, WA: RPG Research, RPG Trailer, RPG Therpeutics
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJoin us. 6 of us will be at ZoeCon III in Bellevue, WA. We'll be there with the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, running RPG sessions, speaking on panels, doing presentations, providing tours, etc.

Avista (Energy Company) Worker and RPG Research Discussion on RPG-based Professional Training
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI just had a surprising dialog with some Avista (my local power company) workers regarding role-playing games...

RPG Research Upcoming Conferences Early 2016
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is some additional information on the upcoming conferences I am planning to attend in the first half of 2016. This includes the topics of presentation/discussion at each, schedule, location, etc.

Preview & Review of Middle-earth Adventures D&D 5e Role-Playing Game by Cubicle 7 & Mike Mearls
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe creators of The One Ring Role-Playing Game, and Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Francesco Nepitello, Mike Mearls, and others, worked very hard to collaborate in creating the first licensed Tolkien-based game using d20!
Notes from experiments on RPG optimization (Standard Non-therapeutic/education settings)
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is a summary of many observations I have made through various experiments in trying to optimize the RPG experience. These are based both on observations (most of which include thousands of hours of recorded RPG sessions), verbal feedback, and formal assessment forms from participants. Scores of variables were taken into consideration and repeatedly tweaked to try to find some level of causal changes, but at this stage are probably only at best correlative, in the enjoyment levels of participants. There are plenty of potential confounds here, and so every statement should have that taken into consideration that these should be further researched with more rigorous techniques. However, implementation of these observations does seem to have lead to consistently higher assessment & observation scores. I hope others find this useful for trying to optimize your own RPG setting. This was a non-therapeutic and non-educational setting, it was only for standard leisure activity of tabletop role-playing games.

Video from The Two Bards on The RPG Trailer
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA very kind and supportive video from Andy Dopieralski, Scott C. Brown, & Brian Lewis of The Two Bards Podcast, and The Gamers movies, Journey Quest series, etc. Talking about The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer.

How much spent in life time on role-playing gaming?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis was recently asked, and I hadn't really stopped to calculate it, until now. Gack!
We will be providing Role-Playing Gaming at Spark Central
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMBeginning August

Call for RPG/LARP Bibliography Volunteers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe RPG Research Project community website needs you! We need some volunteers to help create and organize some bibliography pages on LARP, RPG, and related topics...

2 Day Workshop Intro to Compassion Focused Therapy
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI am attending a 2 day workshop on CFT this week, all day Thursday & Friday, in Spokane, Washington...

En Route to Journey Quest 3!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI am now on the road to the Seattle / Tacoma area. Tomorrow I have a one line bit part in a tavern scene for Zombie Orpheus Entertainment's web series "Journey Quest 3"...

Delayed for an Indeterminate Period of Time, Working Toward Solutions
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIt is increasingly looking like, for an indeterminate amount of time, I may have to set aside all the volunteer work with populations that have special needs, and Therapeutic Recreation, RPG Therapy, Music Therapy, Neuroscience, & Research Psychology related efforts of the past 12 years (since 2004). I may have to go back to the tech industry to rebuild funds to resume these efforts...

Hawke's Gaming Areas, Materials, & Collections, for Tabletop, Live-action, and Computer-based RPG
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere are photos of my primary gaming room at my house. I also have secondary, tertiary, and quarternary game rooms in the house, plus several at the office. Feel free to post links to your game room photos in the comments.

Japanese Researcher Study Indicates RPGs Effective for Helping People on the Autism Spectrum
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJapanese researcher, Kohei Kato, has shown promising measurable results using role-playing games to improve the quality of life for people on the Autism Spectrum...
RPG Research and PTSD
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMRegarding role-playing game research and post traumatic stress disorder...
RPG and Child Abuse Recognition & Intervention Strategies
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PM...

The RPG Trailer Still Needs Your Support
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWhile creator, Hawke Robinson has purchased the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer PROTOTYPE with his own funds, the vision of the custom built higher capacity trailer still needs your support!

First RPG Trailer Group's Experience
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe first RPG group was in the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer on __________________. Here is information about their experience using the trailer...

RPG Trailer Tour Slideshow and Videos
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAs requested, here is a slideshow and collection of videos from the RPG Trailer...

Status Update October 2016
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMSeveral people have requested a status update. Remember, for regular podcast/vidcast updates, you can donate to the RPG Research Patreon, for now I'll post this text-based update for folks eager to know more...

Gender bias in gaming community and industry statistics overview
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWithout analysis commentary, here are just a few raw numbers of interest. Actual analysis still pending down the road...
Story #5: Orc Tribes Turn On Each Other When Bored - RPG Story of the Template
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMStory #__: ____________________. A series of anecdotal postings sharing observations, comments, and other relevant experiences, about the effects of role-playing gaming...

Setting Up for LARP, RPG, & Drumming at MDA Camp
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is a photo and short video clip of the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer being setup at this year's Muscular Dystrophy Association's (MDA) summer camp in Idaho. RPG Research volunteers, using the RPG Trailer, preparing to provide adaptive drum circles, tabletop role-playing (RPG), and live-action role-playing (LARP) to children ages 6-17 with Muscular Dystrophy (MD), July 18th and 20th.
Story #4: incorporating Real Drum Circles as part of LARP/RPG Storyline - RPG Story of the Template
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMStory #__: ____________________. A series of anecdotal postings sharing observations, comments, and other relevant experiences, about the effects of role-playing gaming...

Using Role-Playing Games for Autism Spectrum Participants
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI just sent to the program head, the latest draft of a recreation therapy-related activity program plan using role-playing gaming to prepare for and utilize the metropolitan Bus system for Autism spectrum participants.
Adventures in Middle-earth D&D 5e Tolkien-based Gaming
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWhile I received the PDFs many months ago, I finally received the hard copies of the d20 Tolkien RPG System based on The One Ring (TOR) by Cubicle 7: "Adventures in Middle-earth Players guide" for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. You can count on this version being at next year's Tolkien Moot XIII!

The RPG Brain Trust 2017 Trustee - Hawke Robinson of RPG Research Project and The RPG Trailer
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA kindness from The RPG Brain Trust, "2017 Trustee".

Should Game Masters for Role-Playing Games be Paid? It Depends.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIncreasingly heated debate has been growing in recent years about whether role-playing game masters (RPG GMs) should be paid or not. It depends... NOTE: This article focuses on pure entertainment RPG Professionals, not RPG Professionals in educational or therapeutic settings. To be clear, this is a blog posting, as an opinion piece, not a formal essay or research paper. For more formal essays, see the research sections of the site. This informal article is from the first-person experiential perspective, that attempts to include persuasive argument components, as someone involved with RPGs since the 1970s running many sessions per week, and paid as a GM (when desired) since the 1980s.

Adventures in Middle-earth Group 2
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIt is increasingly looking likely that this will, for those participating in Fantasy TRPG, become the standard system platform and setting for RPG Research, RPG Therapeutics, etc. To have a more consistent baseline to compare between groups.
EEG & RPG Research
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIn May, 2016, I finally received the EEG equipment...

RPG Research Mentioned at PAX South 2016
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe Wheelhouse Workshop founders Adam Johns and Adam Davis were discussing RPG's and therapy, and mentioned the RPG Research Project website as a useful resource...

The Muscular Dystrophy Association and RPG Therapeutics Collaboration
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI was recently contacted by a representative of the MDA about collaborating...

UPDATE! Wizards of the Coast, Dungeons & Dragons, "No" to any use of Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer or other helping services.
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMUPDATE: JULY 2017 WIZARDS OF THE COAST PROVIDED US WITH A LICENSE! - After years of trying to get any kind of response, the only one we could get for using D&D publicly, was "No" to any use by our company, RPG Therapeutics, or The RPG Research Project, or The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, and all of our community endeavors, including charity, special needs populations, brain injury recovery, veterans, Autism Spectrum, etc. Hopefully this is just a Tier 1 Support issue. But we just can't get a hold of a human being to speak to. Here is what has happened far...

RPG Trailer: Legends Through Shadow
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA fun little trailer the show creator put together for the weekly Internet show in which I have a supporting role as one of the adventurers.

Online role-playing games hurt marital satisfaction, says BYU study
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA BYU study claiming that MMORPGs have a damaging impact on marital satisfaction. "Online role playing games negatively affect real-life marital satisfaction, according to a new Brigham Young University study published Feb. 15 in the Journal of Leisure Research."

3 Years in a Row - RPGs Booming, while Video Games are Down
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMFor three years in a row now, the sales of hobby games including tabletop role-playing games, have been experiencing a significant boom in sales growth, while the video game industry has been down year after year since 2010. Apparently equal to the Pokemon CCG boom of early 2000's, but spread across a broader range rather than a single product, the entire hobby and role-playing gaming industry is benefiting...

1994 - Role-playing games to treat suicidal schizoid
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe Conclusion portion of Blackmon's report sums up the many possibilities that developing and establishing use of role-playing games for targeted therapeutic benefit may be able to provide for those in serious need:

Should RPG Research Bother with Social Network Sites
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis week a Facebook user asked us to create an account on Google Plus, and this has created a cascade of issues. Your feedback is needed on this topic, how social network sites might impact your participation in the RPG Research Project. I have also posted a video regarding this topic.

Alas, Comment Deleted from geeksdreamgirl.com
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMI had attempted to comment on a posting from the geeksdreamgirl.com website, related to depression and the holidays. This seemed perfectly relevant to the RPG Research Project's goals. Alas, she/they deleted the posting immediately, apparently considering it spam. That is a real shame, since it is so relevant to the goals of the project. Here is what was attempted to be posted in reply...

Role-playing Game Therapy Related Domains
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAdded a section to the front page enumerating the existing psychological domains that are applicable in a role-playing game therapy context...

Join CAR-PGa (Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games)
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAn international network of researchers into all aspects of role-playing games (RPGs). This organization has been around for decades and has a rich treasure trove of resources available.

RPG Research Project Status Update
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is a video status update for June 25th, 2015 on the RPG Research Project.

Professional Ethics, Friendly vs. Friends
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis came up in an Alignable social network thread, and I thought others might enjoy it being shared here. "What do you think is an appropriate relationship with a client/customer? " This also addresses some of the topics of RPG Professionals / Paid Game Masters, etc.

JourneyQuest is at Death's Door - 34 Hours Remain to Save JourneyQuest
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWe now have 34 hours (and counting down!) to raise over $125,000 and save JourneyQuest. - Don't let this fantastic series die. Save them now!

RPG Handbook of Practice Wiki Back Online
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAs per request, an updated wiki version of the handbook is now available, for public contribution...

Returned from Speaking at 2016 PNATRA Conference in Portland
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMLate last night I returned home from speaking at the 2016 Pacific Northwest American Therapeutic Recreation Association conference...

Escapism and Gaming
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThe arguments about "Escapism" often recur, and I recently saw someone posting about it again. This topic is addressed in the presentations at Washington State and Pacific Northwest American Therapeutic Recreation Association Conferences, so here is a snippet on the topic...

Does RPG reading complexity impact participant development of intrinsic reading motivation, speed of development, and total reading advancement?
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMRPGs are well known to spark interest in reading, and may promote overall reading advancement. That being said, how much does the reading comprehension required for RPGs impact this overall advancement? Using "Adult" RPG Systems with youth, rather than "bringing down" a system to "their level". This is one anecdotal example that I can share, since it is my own kids, but I have seen repeated many times in practice with others, over the years. But have not (yet) run a controlled study to validate or negate these observations. Your thoughts and experiences?

Interdisciplinary RPG Therapeutics
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWhile listening to some research on neurological music therapy program descriptions, I was struck by the overlap of the RPG Therapy programs as a very interdisciplinary delivery of services...

Submitting Phase 2 Survey on Gender Experiences in RPG
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMSubmitting to the Washington State University (WSU) Institutional Review Board (IRB) the survey for phase 2 on Survey of Gender Experiences in the Gaming Community and/or Industry this week.

Mockery of Gamers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMIn a Facebook group posting, someone stated: "I question why America sees LARPing as something to be mocked". Here is a response...
Super Simple d20 RPG
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMJust an idea for super simple introduction to d20 most basics. Can make a character in just a couple of minutes, and start playing a short, simple adventure, with the most rudimentary of RPG system concepts.

RPG Research on SpoCon Panel, Psychology of Gamers and Hackers from the Information Security Perspective
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is the audio recording from the SpoCon 2017 panel on "Psychology of Gamers and Hackers". Panelists included: Dr. Mark Rounds and Hawke Robinson.
![RPG Research on SpoCon Panel, Role-Playing [Gaming] as Therapy RPG Research on SpoCon Panel, Role-Playing [Gaming] as Therapy](https://www2.rpgresearch.com/blog/spocon-role-play-as-therapy/@@images/1d6d1393-057d-4640-875d-e31c6c287fb1.png)
RPG Research on SpoCon Panel, Role-Playing [Gaming] as Therapy
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is the audio recording from the SpoCon 2017 panel on "Role-Playing [Gaming] as Therapy". Panelists included: Gail Glass (Recreation Therapist), John Welker, and Hawke Robinson.
Harassment and Worse in RPG Industry & Community
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMA blog article was posted to the CAR-PGA (The Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games) mailing list today, regarding terrible behavior by the RPG industry & Community...

The new Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer prototype, the RPG Research International Community, and RPG Therapeutics, Featured on KREM 2 News & Northwest Cable News!
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMOn Monday, October 10th, 2016, Hawke Robinson, Founder of the RPG Research Project Community Website, President of RPG Therapeutics LLC, and creator of the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer, was interviewed over a 4 hour period from 5:00 am to 9:00 am by KREM 2 news reporter Kaitlin Loukides, with 4 short 1-3 minute live broadcast segments (one each hour)!

Summary of my WorldCon 73 Experience
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMKeeping in mind it was a purely working experience, so my perspective will be significantly different from most attending, here is a summary of my experiences at the 73rd WorldCon / Sasquan science fiction convention in Spokane Washington, August 19th through the 23rd...

Role-playing history game gets students jazzed
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMArchived from the USA Today site in case it disappears - USA TODAY visits a class at Barnard College "Reacting to the Past" - Robert Deutsch and Jason Allen.

RPG Research Gamers Survey Phase 2 - This Time At WorldCon 2015
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMNow that the 73rd WorldCon / Sasquan is over, the data entry from phase 2 of the surveys of gaming / gamers begins. This project originally began in 2013...

Approximate Group Demographics
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThis is just a rough approximation summarizing the demographics of the players in my groups since coming to Spokane in 2004...
PNW RPG Research – RPG Therapy
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMPosted on January 27, 2016. "In a previous blog post a few years ago, I mentioned the social and developmental benefits of roleplaying games." by Chad Knick...

RPG Research 2015 Update
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMHere is a video summary of the past year, and upcoming year, for the RPG Research Project.

Role-playing Games Used as Educational and Therapeutic Tools for Children, Youth, and Adults
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMAn essay providing examples of existing efforts, and potential possibilities for using role-playing games with children, youth, and adults for education and therapy.

The Potential Benefits and Deficits of Role Playing Gaming
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMThere are very few social table-top recreation activities available that are cooperative rather than competitive in nature.

The Defamation of Role-playing Gaming and Gamers
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMWith less than 3% of the mainstream media and press reports providing even remotely positive coverage, it is not surprising that the general public has so many misconceptions about this cooperative recreational activity ...

Analysis of the Report “Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons”
— by Hawke Robinson — last modified Feb 05, 2023 12:22 PMOne important note from this report is "role-playing gamers are 2.7 times less likely to have feelings of meaninglessness than non-gamers."
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